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Genie gets up and opens the door, a look of confusion on her face. Until she hears Damien's screams of anguish from Shinji's room. What did they do to him? Her eyes narrow at the two boys and they both quickly put up their hands, as she starts to walk towards them.

"We didn't do or say anything bad! We swear on our gayness that we didn't!" Shinji's eyes go wide as him and Jacob are backed up against the wall by Genie's petite frame. If looks could kill, they'd both be minced meat.

I have never seen my bestie this angry in my life. She really does care for Damien, maybe more than they both believe. Jake looks into his best friend's light green eyes with his chestnut brown ones, his eyes sincere.

She stares back, realizing that they're telling the truth. "Okay, I believe you." She sighs and backs up, giving them a tiny smile and a nod.

When she hears Damien's screams suddenly turn into quiet sobs, she dashes into Shinji's room, not even waiting for a response back from the other two boys.


When she crosses the threshold and sees the state that he's in, her eyes start to fill with tears. She quietly closes the door behind her and slowly sits down beside him, blinking her eyes a few times so she doesn't cry.

This attack is the worst one I've seen him have. Genie gently brushes the hair away from his face and puts her hands on his cheeks, swiping away the tears falling from his eyes with her thumbs. She then pulls him into a tight hug and strokes his hair, knowing from experience that those two things calm him the fastest. No words are needed. It only stresses him out more in a situation like this.


Miku wakes up when she hears her twin's terrified voice. What the heck has Shin so scared? Once her eyes blink open, she sees Genie run into Shinji's room and stand there for a second before closing the door quietly. What the heck is going on?

She gets up and walks into the hallway, seeing Shinji with big eyes like a deer caught in headlights and Jacob with a look of worry on his face as he glances back and forth between his boyfriend and the bedroom.

Miku looks at them both before speaking. "What the heck is going on, guys? Why do you-" she points at Shinji. "-look like you saw a ghost or something and why do you-" she points at Jake. "-look so worried?"

They both speak at the same time, making it hard to understand what they're saying, but she got the gist of it.

"Okay, so I think the best thing to do right now is to leave Genie and Damien alone for a while." Miku glances over at the closed door, then back at the two boys in front of her.

"Let's go for a short walk, maybe grab an electrolyte drink for Damien on the way back." she takes both of their hands into hers and practically drags them downstairs, opening and closing the front door before walking hand in hand with them both.


Genie hears the front door open and then close. Guess they thought it would be better if Damien and I were left alone. She continues to stroke his soft, wavy hair, holding him as close to her as possible. They aren't wrong. The less noise and visual things going on, the better it is for him right now.

After about twenty minutes, she hears Damien sniffle a few times before he puts his arms around her waist.

He puts his chin on top of her head and lets out a shaky breath before he manages to say a few words, his voice hoarse from all the screaming and crying. "I love you, Genevieve." Please, stay with me forever. Don't leave me behind.

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