20 (Part 3)

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"Ello, my love." Damien gently puts his hand on her cheek, brushing his thumb across her skin. His eyes darken slightly, not leaving hers for even a second. Genie's eyes flutter closed as she leans closer, her lips centimeters away from his. They both jump apart when they hear a knock at the door.

As the five of them walk the half hour to the school, Miku speaks in between giggles. "Sorry we interrupted your moment, lovebirds." Genie and Damien both stare at her blankly before they burst out laughing.

"It's alright, Miku!" Damien grins, looking over at the dark-haired girl then to the love of his life. I've been wondering for the past week, when will she say I love you back to me? He shakes the thought away before it can make him sad in any way. She doesn't need to or anything, I can tell from her actions that she cares deeply for me. That's all that really matters.

Both of Genie's hands are taken, one by him and the other by Miku. She lightly squeezes Damien's hand, making him look at her and smile. She blushes and smiles back. I love you so much, Damien. Until I gather up the courage to say the words out loud, I hope my actions are enough to show you how much I care for you.


When they walk through the gymnasium doors, Miku bolts over to the art tables. My favorite part about the parties and dances; I can show off how good I am at drawing and sketching.

"Welp, where there are art supplies of any kind, there's Miku." Shinji chuckles at his twin before taking Jacob's hand and looking up at him with puppy eyes and a cute pout. "Can we go get some food, babe? I'm hungry."

He's so adorable. Jake nods and ruffles the younger's hair before heading towards the food tables, shouting at Damien and Genevieve over his shoulder. "Have fun, lovebirds! Don't get lost!"

The two of them look at Jacob and Shinji's shrinking figures before turning towards each other, both asking at the same time, "What do you wanna do?" This causes them to start laughing hysterically, tears appearing at the corners of their eyes.


"Okay, okay." Genie wipes away her tears before speaking again. "I guess we should dance? Unless you want to do something diff-" her words are cut short when she sees Damien kneel down at her feet, his hand still in hers.

"May I have this dance, my love?" he stares up at Genevieve's face, his icy eyes filled with adoration as he brings her hand to his lips and kisses the back of it. She blushes and shyly looks away, her face turning a light pink. Beautiful. Like cherry blossoms in the breeze.

She glances back at him and nods her head. "Yes, you may." he stands back up and smiles at her, causing her heart to beat like crazy. Maybe, just maybe, today will be the day I have the courage to say those three words that I know you've been waiting to hear.


They dance for hours, neither wanting to stop. That is, until the evil duo comes and ruins it all. They 'accidently' bump into Genie and spill punch all over her, snickering like witches before giving a fake apology.

"Sorry, Genie." Karol sneers, a nasty smirk on her face as she sees the other girl's eyes start to tear up. "Ester and I didn't see-" she's cut off by Damien, his eyes like icy daggers glaring at her in anger. Aww, pretty boy is angry. Ha!

"You and I both know that's B.S." he growls, his voice dripping with venom. "I told you both that if you did something like this again, I would tell your coach. Trust me when I say, she'll one hundred percent believe me." he gently grabs a hold of Genie's hand and looks down to see her holding back tears.

"I-I have to go..." she removes her hand from Damien's grip and sprints towards the doors leading outside. Don't let them see you cry, don't let them see.


 She runs to one of the only places that she knows he'll be able to find her. She puts her back up against the rough bark, her eyesight blurry. I hate that those two still bully me.

Sobs start to escape from her body as it slowly lowers to the grass under the nearly bare branches of the cherry blossom tree. I hate that their words hurt me.

She stares up into the night sky, the twinkling stars and moon providing the smallest amount of light. I hate that they just won't leave me alone. Why won't they just leave me alone!? "Why?" Genie mumbles, then screams. "WHY!?"


Damien walks out of the same doors she ran out of just a minute before. He takes out his phone and messages Miku, Shinji, and Jacob, letting them know that him and Genie aren't in the gymnasium anymore.

Putting the device back into his pants pocket, he starts to think of places where she would go, knowing that she would choose somewhere that he knows as well. His mind thinks up of only one place at the moment. It's close by; only about 15 minutes' walk from the school. Less if you run there.

He runs to Blossom Park, his throat burning from the cold, his breathing ragged. His gaze scans around the forested area. Please, be here. Damien spots her under the largest tree, her body trembling from the cold.

He slows his pace and squats down in front of her quaking frame, taking off his blazer and putting it over her shoulders. He wipes away some of her tears with his thumbs and then wraps his arms around her, one of his hands gently rubbing circles on her back.

"I'm here, Genevieve." Damien whispers as he sits down on the grass. I'm here, my love.

He hears her sniffle before she utters the three words that he's been longing to hear. "I love you." I love you, Damien Fox. All of you.

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