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"Good night, Genie." Damien notices that she's already fallen back asleep, her breathing steady... "Sleep well and sweet dreams, my love." He walks out of the room... thoughts of everything that happened today going through his mind. His smile grows bigger as he lays in his own bed and closes his eyes...

As the white snow blanketing everything begins to melt, flowers in every color imaginable start to slowly wake. They're walking hand in hand, admiring the scenery along the forest trail.

"Jay, where are we heading to?" Shinji glances over at Jacob, tilting his head curiously. "We've been walking for nearly half an hour. I'm getting a bit tired." Jake chuckles at the younger boy before speaking.

"You'll see when we get there, babe." He gently brushes his thumb over the other's hand, causing Shinji to giggle and blush. "If you don't want to walk anymore, I can carry you." He stops and smiles down at the small, dark-haired boy at his side.

Shinji nods his head excitedly and let's go of Jake's hand, looking into his boyfriend's chestnut brown eyes with his dark brown ones. He hops into Jay's arms and wraps his legs around his torso as Jacob quickly steadies himself and puts his own arms around Shinji's thin body, laughing as he does so.

"Give me a warning next time! I don't want to drop the love of my life, ya know?" Jake jokingly glares at Shinji, who just gives a cute giggle in response and pecks his cheek before burying his face in Jacob's neck.  God, he's so adorable. A smile appears on his face. I love this boy with every fiber of my being.


His eyes slowly open when they stop moving, a yawn escaping his mouth. He snuggles into his boyfriend's body more, not wanting to let go.

Jacob lets out a small chuckle before whispering into Shinji's ear. "We're here, babe. Please, wake up." He slowly sits down on the blanket that's laid out on the grass, one arm still holding Shinji in place, so he doesn't drop him.

"You've got to be hungry after all that walking, right?" He smiles as the dark-eyed boy nods his head before removing his small body from Jake's arms, sitting next to him. Shinji sees the picnic set up and his eyes light up as he looks into Jacob's. His breathing stops and he gets lost for a few seconds. I see the galaxy, forever, eternity, in those dark eyes.


He gives Jacob a quick kiss before grabbing some of the food and taking a bite before speaking. "So, a picnic date? I love it! I love you, babe." He smiles and takes another bite of the sandwich, looking away. Jake slowly blinks, still a bit lost. Shinji glances over at the curly haired boy, who is still staring at him.

"Aren't you hungry, Jay?" He holds one of the sandwiches out to his boyfriend, who gives him a small smile. Jacob blinks rapidly and shakes his head.

"I ate before we left the house, so I'm alright." Jake rummages through the picnic basket and gets out two drinks, opening both of them. He hands one to Shinji and takes a sip from the other one before speaking. "I'm so glad you like it, Ji." 

Jacob takes one of Shinji's hands into his own and brings it to his lips, kissing it. "I love you, too." He leans towards the younger's ear and whispers. "How did I get so lucky to find someone as perfect as you, so early in my life?" Jake pulls back and stares deeply into the other boy's sparkly, dark eyes.


Shinji's heartbeat picks up as Jake says those words, his breath hitching in his throat. He stares back, seeing nothing but adoration, love, warmth, in Jacob's chestnut-colored eyes.

I could say the same thing about you. Shinji slowly blinks, his eyes still not leaving Jake's. I wish I was as good with words as you are.

He gently places his hand on the older boy's cheek and smiles as those brown, loving eyes close, a content sigh coming from Jacob. As their lips meet, Shinji can't help the words that he mumbles from his mouth. "I love you, Jay. So much." Please, stay with me forever.

The Fox and The WrenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin