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God, I'm so stupid. I hurt her... He slowly walks up beside her, lowering himself to the floor. Why did I let...others, them telling me to leave her alone, get to me...? ...he mumbles into her ear, his voice laced with...regret. "I'm so sorry, Genevieve." I'm sorry, my love.

As Genevieve starts to melt within his embrace, a thought pops up in her head that causes her to stop, her hands starting to shake from anger. He ignored me for weeks, never giving a reason why. No matter how many times I tried to ask, he gave me no answers as to why.

Her rage starts to build. No, I can't forgive him that easily. Genie puts both of her hands on his chest and harshly pushes him away, her voice quiet but filled with venom. "Don't. Touch. Me." Her light green eyes glare into his icy blue ones.

Damien puts his hands up and nods his head before putting his hands in his lap. He stares down at them as the tears start to trail down his cheeks. "Okay, I promise I won't. Can we talk?" He gazes up at her face, seeing the anger and sadness in her eyes.

Now he wants to talk to me all of a sudden, why? She looks away, her eyebrows furrowing in thought for a few seconds before her gaze shifts back to him. Might as well hear what he has to say. She sighs and nods her head, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Go ahead. Start by answering the question that I've asked you every day we've worked on the dance project." Genie's usually soft eyes seem to harden when she says the next words. "Why have you been ignoring me, Damien?" Why?


"I-" He starts to turn his head away to look somewhere else, but when Genie takes both of her hands and puts them on his cheeks, he slowly moves it back. Concentrate, Damien. Answer the question. He closes his eyes and lets out a shaky breath, his voice barely a whisper.

"I let other people's words get to me." His eyes stay shut, teardrops starting to fall again. "They were telling me to stay away from you. That they would hurt you if I got any closer to you." I'm sorry.

"I-" Damien's icy eyes, filled with regret, stare into hers. "I'm sorry, Genevieve. I won't ignore you again, unless you ask me to. No matter what anyone says." Genie's eyes soften as she wipes away his tears with her thumbs, a small smile appearing on her face before she places a kiss on his forehead.

He slowly closes his eyes, his heart starting to race. God, I've missed her so much. Her eyes, Her smile. Her voice. Everything. She's just so perf-... His thought is cut off by her lips touching his, one of her hands moving to his chest, the other in his hair.


Damien slowly brings one of his hands up to stroke her cheek but stops, letting it fall to his side. Such a gentleman. I completely forgot that I told him not to touch me. Genie giggles before she starts to speak in between kisses.

"It's okay to touch me now, Damien." She pulls away, taking in his features that can only be seen when their face to face like this. I missed him. His grin, laugh, accent, voice. Everything. "You have no idea how much I've missed you." Genie mutters, continuing to admire him as Damien's eyes blink open.

He brings his hand up again, gently placing it on her cheek. She leans into his touch, her eyes closing as Damien quietly speaks. "I've missed you too, my love."

Genie opens one of her eyes and gives him a questioning look. Did he call me love? "My love? Why 'my love'?" She opens her other eye and stares into his icy ones, seeing nothing but adoration in them. Does he...love me?

Damien lets out a little chuckle, his blue eyes sparkling. "Why 'my love'?" He takes his other hand and strokes her face with his fingertips, causing her to close her eyes and let out a small sigh. He puts his mouth to her ear and whispers the words. "I love you, Genevieve. That's why."

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