The nosy agent.

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After Nathaniel woke up and enjoyed some cappuccino, I teleported the lot of us back to the main house.

Upon appearing, I heard the sound of power tools at the front door.

I unlatched it and kicked with as much force as I could while agent Sandra began performing Sylvia's checkup.

"Hey! Dumbasses! Why not check in with your fellow field agents instead of breaking into someone's house, ya noisy bastards?!" I shouted, drawing my 12 gauge from thin air.

"He's got a gun!" One shouted and I cast a time slowing spell.

As the agents fired through the open door, I redirected the sluggish slugs back into the barrels they came from.

When they damaged their weapons, one reached for his earpiece and I slowed time further and lobbed a slug at said earpiece's cord.

Finally, it ended and all radio comms were destroyed.

I canceled the time spell and stood in the same pose of when I redirected the last projectile.

"Now that we can converse with words, instead of you firing into a house with two other agents inside.

Why don't you come in, relax and shut the hell up while my very pregnant wife gets her medical exam over with?"

They listened, mostly out of being shaken by the destruction of their weapons and the fact that I was completely unharmed.

When they saw Sandra, Nathaniel and Sylvia, they apologized and tried to, then, lay the blame on me for having a gun.

"You have guns, should I have immediately opened fire on sight?" I demanded.

"We're federal agents."

"No, you're government stooges who can't comprehend weapon étiquette.

Have you, personally, ever seen an armed individual open fire on a federal agent in the US?"

"Well no but, I'm sure it's happened."

"Right, it has happened, more than one hundred years ago.

Actions based on assumptions are how you start wars and we don't want that.

Don't get me wrong, I'll kill everyone else here to protect Sylvia.

Especially since I learned magic and time effect spells from her world.

Space time magic is what I excel the most in."

"You can use magic?"

"Sure. Sylvia used a single cast spell that forces the person casting to forget it and makes them unable to understand it if they read it.

She used it to allow me to use magic."

"You heard it, though. Tell us what it is."

"You have no capacity to use it, so, no.

I see no reason to tell it to you.

Especially when you would only double my own power by getting someone, who can cast it, to do so."

"How could it double your power?" Sandra asked.

"I held a mirror, reflecting her in a way that we could see each other, when she cast the spell allowing me to use magic.


So long as that mirror exists, my magic will double in force and capacity if the boost spell is used again.


I didn't think it would work so well, at the time. In fact I hadn't given it any real thought at all.

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