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My wife, still crying, laid in my lap.

She was curled around our sons and I finally broke down, as well.

She was falling deeper and deeper into depression and I couldn't think of anything, at all, to help her.

Then, I remembered how she helped me the morning after the first time I saw a person get killed.

"Míñâ tâllí." I said and she slowly calmed down.

When she quit crying, she was asleep.

I placed our children in the bassinet and carried her, with the bassinet, upstairs.

Laying her down, I carefully took our children and laid them with her before pulling my cot from the closet.

That night, I had a wonderful dream. I guess I wasn't responding in the real world until I awoke to pain in my hand.

Looking, I saw that Sylvia had bitten down on my left hand.

I grabbed her ears and pulled her up to face me.

The sad smile she wore said it all.

My wife was back.

She flung her arms around me, pressing her nose against my neck.

I held her gently, starting to cry as I laid there.

It wasn't until she kissed me that I knew everything was going to be alright.

"I'm sorry, Sylvia." I said.

"No. You couldn't have known what would happen and you did undo it.

I'm partly to blame, as well.

I should have stopped you but, instead, I sat back and did nothing." She said, kissing me again.

"Are you alright, now?" I asked.

"I will be, in time. We have our sons back and that's helping a lot.

Also, did you cast blissful sanctuary?"

"I did. What I didn't know was that it helps everyone inside of the house."

"It doesn't help, per se.

It brings your mind to peaceful closure in a way that protects you psychologically." Sylvia explained, rubbing her head under my chin.

"Oh. I guess I wasn't all that stable before, then, because I easily killed hundreds of people and didn't even feel anything at all." I mentioned, worrying about my mental health.

"Yes you did. I felt it through you and mistakenly robbed you of feeling remorse.

Like I said, I'm partly to blame for everything that happened too.

I should have stopped you. I should have been there for you, as a wife should be."

She pushed against my chest, looking me in the eyes.

"Clark.... I have to know...

Do you... still love me after everything?"

I pulled her into a hug.

"I should ask you that question.

After I caused the fog and outed myself, it was my fault that they came here and opened fire.

That also says that they'll kill anyone else who uses immense power, though.

No one will be safe with the government around." I said softly.

The phone started ringing.

I reached over and picked up the receiver.


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