chapter eleven

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I stood frozen in my place, my eyes fixated on Vivian who had just pecked my husband’s cheek, right in front of my fvcking eyes.

It was a simple gesture yet it sent an unexpected surge of anger coursing through my veins. Unable to take in this sight, my fists involuntarily balled up as I struggled to stay composed. 

Jungkook, who was caught off guard, swiftly pushed Vivian away from himself, his expression a mixture of confusion and shock.

“What are you doing?” he questioned, his tone sharp and unwelcoming, making Vivian take a step away from him.

Soon, his gaze shifted from her to me. I firmly held his gaze, as I looked at him. My gaze was as cold as ice, it was almost piercing right through him.

What are you doing? Can’t you see what she is doing? She fvcking pecked your cheek, you dumba$$. I was almost screaming internally. It’s not like I care but still, why would she do something like that in front of my eyes?!

Soon, he brought his hand up towards his face and started rubbing off his cheek where Vivian had just placed a light kiss.

He was doing it in such a way as if he would get infected by some sort of disease if that kiss stayed there any second longer. Now, I could hear all the murmurs going on around amongst the guests. That must have been humiliating. 

My gaze shifted towards Vivian who now lowered her gaze in embarrassment and said, “I am sorry, Jungkook. I forgot you hate getting touched..” 

Does he hate getting touched? What? This was news for me. But just a few hours ago wasn’t this man holding me in his arms?

Next, Vivian nervously glanced at me. “I hope I didn’t upset you, y/n. Living in Paris for a while, I’ve picked up this habit of greeting my friends like this…I am really sorry..” she explained while delicately tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

An artificial smile formed on my lips as I shifted my attention back to her, “No, I am not offended at all,” I replied with a deceptive calmness. Like hell, I am not offended. I have an urge to throw you somewhere right now. How dare you KISS MY HUSBAND?? I mean my husband just by name. Whatever it is, until we get a proper divorce he is still mine. I husband.

“But also, you shouldn’t forget that you are not in Paris anymore.” My smile remained unchanged, suppressing my irritation. I subtly wrapped my hands around his arms, pulling him closer to me as if possessively claiming him. 

“Am I right, hubby?” I glanced up at him. He looked at me in shock. After a few minutes of stunned silence, he cleared his throat and nodded his head in agreement. 

I shifted my attention back towards Vivian, who now had her gaze fixated on my hands,  an awkward smile on her lips as she spoke up again, “I’ll excuse myself first.” I gave her a subtle nod and she turned around and took her departure. Aunt Andrea and Sofia also excused themselves and followed her behind. 

I silently watched them take their leaves and soon my grip around Jungkook’s arm loosened. I took a step away from him, maintaining a specific distance between us. “I am sorry about earlier—,” I glanced up, his eyes met mine briefly, but then he unexpectedly turned his head to the side. 

“What happened to him now?” Confusion tugged at the back of my head, causing me to furrow my brows in a silent question. Looks like what Vivian said turns out to be true. He actually hates getting touched. Nevermind, at least he didn’t show that he hated my touch earlier in front of those three ladies. 

I was about to utter another word, until he stepped back and began to walk away. Huh? Is he leaving just like that? At Least let me finish, Mr. Ice Cube. 

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