chapter fourteen

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So I am trying to show interaction between the main as well as side couple. Because I think a story doesn't only revolve around main leads but all characters. (I hope readers are okay with it.)

-[y/n's pov]:

As I was talking with Taehyung, suddenly, I felt someone's gaze fixated on me, causing me to take a glance behind Taehyung, and at a distance, I spotted Jungkook.

Our eyes met, and the time stood still as we gazed at each other.

Something about him seemed off, those eyes were...simply making me feel something as if they were questioning me, as if they were desperate to know the answers that were only known to me.

Am I overthinking again? I didn't realize how many minutes had passed as we continued to look at each other.

"Y/n?" Taehyung's voice interrupted my thoughts, causing me to snap out of them, and take a look at him.

"Ah..yeah, what were you saying?" I asked, and he gave me a concerned look in response.

"Is everything alright? You look distracted," he asked, and I took a quick glance at Jungkook who was now heading towards the exit.

"Ah..nothing," I gave Taehyung an awkward smile, trying to hide the fact that I was actually distracted because of that man.


The sterile hum of the office environment enveloped me as I retraced my steps towards my desk, several thoughts swirling in my mind. What I saw earlier, that look in Jungkook's eyes, was not letting my mind rest in peace.

I hate to accept but this man has some sort of unknown control over me. Everything that is related to him makes me curious. He makes me feel curious.

My footsteps echoed faintly against the gray carpet, the rhythmic tap matching the beat of my contemplation. As I approached my desk, with a paper bag cradled in my hand, a subtle disturbance caught my attention.

Two ladies brushed past me, their hushed conversation leaving fragments of intrigue in the air. Their eyes, like magnets, were drawn to a specific point.

What are they looking at?

My curiosity piqued, I followed their line of sight only to discover Ella, diligently absorbed in her computer screen. Huh? Why are they looking at Ella that way? Unable to decipher their gossip, my brows knitted together in confusion.

With a shake of my head, I placed the paper bag on my desk before veering towards Ella's cube. The hum of the office machinery was momentarily eclipsed by the subtle rustle of papers and the soft click of keyboards.

Approaching her silently, I extended a hand to rest on her shoulder. The sudden touch made her startle, and her eyes flicked upward in surprise. But soon a sigh of relief escaped her lips as she realized it was me, her features relaxed into a small smile.

I reciprocated with a blend of confusion and amusement dancing in my eyes. "It's you, y/n," she uttered, a mix of surprise and comfort in her voice. "Who else can it be?" I asked, playfully.

Ella shifted her chair backward, turning it to face me, "No, I was not expecting anyone you just caught me by surprise," she shook her head, explaining the meaning behind her words.

I noticed her take a quick peek to the side, I turned around to see who she was looking at and found 2-3 female employees staring back at Ella, but when they noticed me looking back at them, they quickly started rushing back towards their desks.

"What's happening here?" I asked, letting out an awkward chuckle. "Why do they keep on looking at you like that?" I added, shifting my gaze back towards Ella, who now let out a heavy sigh.

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