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Adara opened the carriage window, the smell of the sea immediately entering their carriage. Hong climbed over her, sitting on her shoulder to sniff the air better. "It smells salty!" Hong exclaimed, sniffing again. "Is this the sea?"

Adara picked him up from her shoulder, holding him up to the window to smell it better. "Yes, it is. Do you see those islands in the distance? If you look a lot to the right, then you can see more. Those are the Hais Islands; that one right there is probably Hais Island 5; it's the biggest one and closest to the Western Continent."

Hong nodded enthusiastically at her words. He tried to squint to see the Islands better, but he could barely see them. A few other islands were closer, but they were too small.

The Black Dragon handed Cale a small, round item from next to her. She recognised it. It was the condensed mana from the bomb.

The Black Dragon pointed to the small ball. "We can make a new magic bomb now."

Cale nodded, in a much better mood now. "Good work."

Adara was about to ask a question, but On climbed up onto her lap, her front paws on the window sill. "Oh! Look at that sharp cliff!"

Adara followed her gaze, recognising the cliff as the 'Cliff of Winds', the most beautiful sight in the Ubarr Territory. She had been there before. She had stood there with Amiru before, gazing at the beautiful sight of the chaotic whirlpools. She had imagined for a second that she stood there with her Unnie and not with Amiru.

But that was rude.

There were more islands near the Ubarr coast, but most of them were uninhabitable. Between the islands and the cliff were multiple whirlpools. She had gone to one of the smaller islands with Amiru to have a picnic. She hated herself on that trip because all she could see was her Unnie when Amiru smiled at her.

Unnie always liked the sea. She would tell Adara about it all the time. Unnie especially liked the salty breeze. She always tried to get Adara in the gardens so that she could have at least some fresh air instead of the stuffy smell of the library.

Adara stopped thinking about Unnie. It would do no good, especially in this place where Unnie would have loved it and where there was another person she called Unnie. There was no point in thinking about her. Unnie was gone. Unnie left her.

Not willingly, Adara thought.


She looked at Cale. His voice had broken her out of her thoughts. "Yes?"

He stared at her with concern. He waved it off. "Nothing, don't mind me."

Adara had been glaring a terrifying glare at the sharp cliff that was the Cliff of Winds, and he had gotten worried. But he shouldn't have. Because whatever it was, she didn't want to talk about it. Especially not with the children there.

Adara turned her attention back to the small, scattered islands. The Mage Slayer will get shipwrecked by those whirlpools, she remembered, staring at the whirlpools and trying to calculate which island he would end up on. She gave up fairly quickly, as it was too unpredictable. And then he will end up finding the Sound of the Wind.

The Mage Slayer was apparently known for being an intelligent barbarian. She never heard about him until Cale recounted what he read in Birth of a Hero. But she was not very caught up on stuff that hadn't happened thousands of years ago.

This Intelligent Barbarian was strong, even stronger than Lock— a Blue Wolf Tribe Member and the Future Wolf King. He was apparently the strongest individual in the Western Continent. In terms of physical strength, of course.

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