Chapter Two | First Night

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11:37pm. In Chloe's dorm, everything seemed to be dead silent. Kenneth was still up in his room, making sure to close the door quietly. He collapsed onto his bed, resting his eyes. However, the image of Kimberly earlier sunk deep into his psyche, then a filthy idea crossed his mind, now he allowed his right hand to venture down to his lower area, ready to get it cracking— Suddenly the door opens, Kenneth throws his hands in the air.

"Can you help me work the uh— microwave?" Asked Mayan, who knew how the buttons operated, but not sure which order to press them since it was all in English; a language he could fully understand, but not read.

"Knock next time, Nigga!" Shouted the boy in response, getting up from his bed. "I'll show you how to do it..." The two made their way over to the kitchen where Kenn gave step by step instructions to Mayan on how to microwave frozen curry.

Over in Iris' dorm, Peter sat on the couch, still playing his game from earlier. Caleb would walk past the living room for a night time snack, but the bright television catches his eyes. "Whatchu playing?" He asked Peter, noticing his headset was only half on. His question was met with furrowed brows instead of an answer; not the greatest start to a friendship, but certainly not the worst. Peter turns back to the screen, clearly unhappy with the match.

"HOW IS THAT A FOUL?!" He'd holler, bringing the mic close to his mouth. Caleb forgets all about the snack, taking a seat on the couch, and watching the game. After the match ended, Peter took a moment of silence, glancing over at the guy sitting next to him.

"Mind if I play with you?"

"I only have one controller," retorted Peter, who was now back at the main menu.

Caleb points to a controller on the ground, asking, "What about that one?" Peter would notice his extra controller just laid out on the carpet, shrugging it off.

"It's broken."

"It doesn't look broken to me," said Caleb, slowly reaching for the controller — Sadly, Peter snatched it off the floor before he could get it.

"I said it's broken."

"Damn, nigga, just say you don't want to play with me," blurted out Caleb on accident, whose recent vocabulary has been majorly influenced by social media. Now there was an awkward silence, Peter stares blankly at the other guy on the couch, shocked that someone with such pale skin would just... "say" that; but I guess he was used to it by now, common thing where he's from.

So instead of being offended, he starts laughing, handing the controller over. "You know what, I'll play with you. Blacktop or court?" Asked the eager Canadian.

Not understanding the question, Caleb shrugs his shoulders saying, "I don't know, you can pick." The two play for a while, with Caleb losing the first six matches, but slowly understanding the controls.

"Oh you're straight ass!" Chuckled Peter, who was playing with one hand, and slapping his knee with the other sarcastically. Iris storms out of her room, flaring her emerald green eyes at the two, looking extremely tired.

"Can you two PLEASE turn it down?" Asked Iris, trying to sound polite and commanding at the same time. "I have tests in the morning..."

"You could just... not listen," argued Peter, who coincidentally didn't have any tests in the morning, and would rather play his game.

Caleb didn't say anything in response, just set his controller down and progressed to his room, but Iris stops him mid walk. "Hey, sorry I didn't catch you earlier — It's Caleb, right?"

He nods his head.

She'd say, "I think we went to the same Highschool." Oh he knew alright, what a time for him, being wrapped around her little finger all sophomore year; it was pure agony, especially when he learned she didn't exactly have feelings for any man, boy, or male on the planet.

"Yeah! I remember you too... Iris?" Caleb would utter, as if he didn't know her name by heart.

"Cool," She responded lightly. "So what's been new?"

He didn't really have an answer... or rather, an answer he wanted to tell her. But, the most exciting event of his lifetime after Iris was Sienna: the only other woman who could really take his attention with a smile, or even the slightest breath.

Peter slunk further into the couch, finally turning off his game, and instead plays High School Musical on his phone. Iris' voice would sound shaken. "Don't you want to sleep in your room?"


Back in the other dorm, Kenneth and Mayan would discuss their shared love of comic book characters. "Batman?! C'mon, a better hero than Spider-Man? You're tweakin'," spat the younger boy.

Mayan would shake his head. "I thought that was obvious, Batman's better."

"Spider-Man is like, the greatest superhero of all time, nigga!—

Chloe steps past two, rubbing her eyes as she opened the fridge. Kenn and Mayan would go dead silent, tracking her with every step from the fridge back to her room. "What a bitch," they'd mutter in unison.

The two are taken back by a knock at the door, Kenn jogs to the door, turning the knob. "Hello?" He'd call out before it was fully open. Only for it to be none other than Kimberly.

"Hey," she'd wave with her fingers.

Mayan would raise a brow, wanting to know, "Are we in trouble?"

"What? No!" She replied, stepping inside like she owned the place. "Just wanted to see how y'all were doing. This looks pretty."

Mayan smiled. "Thank you, I tried to tidy up from that girl who made a mess everywhere."

"And what about you Cameron, did you help him clean?"

"Kenneth," he'd correct, visually frustrated.

"Kevin!" She'd say back, rolling her eyes. "Whatever." She'd walk over to the fridge, reaching in, and taking a butter container. "Thanks for this, I'll see y'all later! Ok byeeee."

Just as soon as she arrived, she was gone. Mayan looked in the fridge. "Oh no..." he'd groan in disbelief. "She took our butter."

"I saw."

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