2nd Semester | Chapter 1

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7:30 am

Finally, after a short break, the kids on campus return to their school for another round of studying, partying, and stressing the hell out. Peter stood outside of his door, carrying large bags in his hands.

His eyes dart away from the door, slowly panning over to a baseball cap, shortly followed by a curvy unbuttoned jersey with the number seven on it.

The figure beside him would raise its head, revealing to be a woman. Not just any woman... But a sexy one. I'm saying at least Margot Robbie levels.

"Hey..." Said the girl softly, smiling at him.

Peter turned his head in all four directions. Was she... Talking to him?

"Hey!" She repeated louder.


The girl fluffed her pigtails, taking a long step closer to him. "Do you know where uh..." She takes a look at the paper in her hands. "216 is?"

"Oh it's this one," he'd point to the door in front of him.

"Oh sweet!" She smirked. "Looks like I'm your roommate." Peter closed his eyes, looking toward the ceiling as he thanked God in his mind.

"Yeah we could use a fresh pair..."

She quickly cut in before he could finish. "What?"

"Fresh pair of eyes," he said with a nice save.

The girl unlocked the door, letting them both in, and tossing her backpack on the couch -- same place Peter would usually leave his things, it was basically where he slept too.

"So how many people live here?" Asked the girl, still sporting that kind smile.

Peter answered quickly, "Just three, including me." He took a seat on the couch, still making eye contact with her. She continued to stand, looking around the room.

"Oh damn. Sorry, I'm Marceline!" Introduced the girl at last.

"Peter," he mumbled at her, trying not to fumble with a name like his.

Marcy thought it'd be funny to tease. "Weiner?"

"Try stand-up sometime, sweetheart."

Marcy's eyes ventured around the room, eventually setting on his console. "Awh no way! You play Xbox?"

"Yeah," he'd say nonchalantly.

She kneels down over to it, placing her hand on top of it for a few seconds. "My annoying ass little brother plays this literally all the time."

"Oh, I don't even play it like that," he told her with a rub of his neck.

Before the other two noticed, Caleb walked into the room, rocking his new bass, which hung from the strap on his back. Not only that -- he had himself a rockin baggy T over his red and blue flannel followed by some sweet cargo jeans.

Marcy turned her head, waving her hand as she smiled. "Nice to meet you, I'm Marceline."

Caleb nodded his head at her, quickly returning to his room. Iris followed quickly after.

Big Four college years (ft. Cockrat / Ivy)Where stories live. Discover now