S2 Ch4 | Game Day

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The Kirkwood baseball diamond, in the crowd of many, sat our entire group of protagonists, the study group. Caleb rested his head in his hands.

Ace scratched behind his ear, asking, "Why are we here again?"

Caleb sighed, already tired of the fiery, humid air scratching the inside of his lungs. "Because, slavey Davey wants to watch his girl play this stupid ass game."

"Peter Bro. You got us wastin' our Saturday on this bullshit?" Ace smacked his lips. "Nobody even cares about normal baseball--

"Shut up, nigga! That's her." Peter threw his index finger out, pointing at Marcy on the ground.

"Annnnd Introducing..." The announcer took a dramatic pause. "College Softball's golden child---

Ace looked at Caleb. "Why's he doing this like we fuckin care?"

Kenneth cut in. "Because that's his job, nigga."


The crowd suddenly erupted into cheer, much to the surprise of Caleb and Ace. Christian smirked as he looked down, seeing her wave. "I can't lie, Peter's girl is kinda bad though."

"Word!" Chipped Kenneth.

"That's right," Boasts Peter. "My girl."

Caleb dug his hand into the cup of pretzels, snacking on a few as he said, "You're getting ahead of yourself. You haven't even gone out with her. You just met her a few days ago!"

"Sure," Peter said, not really caring. "But have you seen that ass though?"

"Mhmm," replied the other guys at the same time.

Mayan stood up straight, using his hand to block the sun from his eyes. "Wait. So who's winning?"

"LSU," Peter answered, invested in the game. "But Marcy's benched, I guess she's being saved for last." His eyes widened to capture in every second as Marcy stepped up to the plate.

Kenneth stepped away from his seat to get a better view, smirking as he said, "The real question we all need some be thinking about, is the ass real?"

Iris rolled her eyes. "Uh, No thanks. I'm gonna go get some more popcorn."

Ace rubbed his chin comedically. "It's gotta be fake, sorry."

"BBL's don't jiggle like that," argued Kenneth. "It might be real."

Peter shook his head. "Nigga. Stop talking about her ass."

"Nigga I honestly don't give a fuck about this lame ass baseball game," Kenn replied with a passion.

Caleb shrugged. "Well it doesn't really matter if her ass is real or not, Peter doesn't have a chance," he answered honestly.

"That's right. I forgot the nigga looks like a black owned angry bird," kenn chimed in.

"I'll let my game speak for itself," Peter chuckled with a shrug.

"Well, nigga. A girl can't have all that ass, tits, and a pretty face while being good. She's gotta have like twenty bodies," Explained the darker black guy in the group.

Peter laughed. "Did something happen with Kim? You're projecting a little much today."

"Shut up, nigga."

The game continued on, Marcy racked up majority of the team's points, so the game was pretty much over in the last five minutes. 10 - 3. She waved to the group as she left the plate, scoring her last homerun of the game.

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