S2 Ch6 | Kiss and Tell

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9:44 pm

We're back inside Iris's hospital room, and she strongly requested to keep the lights off. Caleb decided to be silent, letting her sleep as he scrolled through his phone. Only noise in that room was the rain outside pattering softly against the window.

He stood up, heading to go get a snack, but Iris stopped him. "Wait," she rasped, her voice shaking. "P-Please don't go..."

Caleb's stomach sank, hearing her sound like that, it was that feeling when you accidently step on a dog's tail. She was desperate, scared, maybe even upset.

"Don't worry." He set his phone down in the chair. "I'm just grabbing a snack, real quick."

"Please!" She cried out to him. "I don't.. I don't want to be alone."

"Alright. I won't go," he assured, taking a seat.

Iris reached her hand out a little, and he hesitantly took it. "Thank you," she uttered, sounding like she was going to cry, but stayed strong regardless.

"Well, you wanna watch TV or something?" Caleb asked her quietly, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. Romantic, but not taking it too far so she was comfortable.

She shook her head. "Uh-uh."

Caleb looked a little puzzled. "You really just want to sit in this dark room?" Iris nodded her head. The two sat in silence for what felt like forever, and Caleb decided to ask that classic question, "What happened?"

Iris sniffled a little. "She wanted money..."

"You know what," Caleb stopped her. "You don't have to tell me."

"I always used to give her money," the girl sighed. "I knew she was using... But, she was my girlfriend."

"I'm sorry that happened."

"I guess she owed somebody some money... The amount she was asking for, it was just too much, I told her I couldn't do it."

"And that's when she pushed you?" Asked Caleb, still holding her hand.

"Yeah... Doctor's said I passed out from mostly shock and blunt force trauma," explained Iris, turning to the window. "Thank you... For staying."

"No problem."

The room was quiet again, and Caleb leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes. Iris, however, she had a request. "Could you play me a song..."

"Sure." He took out his phone.

She slowly lowered the phone in his hand. "No...! Not with that. With your bass."

"Oh. I don't really, have it, right now."

Iris looked almost disappointed. "Really? I thought you took it everywhere."

"I'll text ol Petey to bring it over," he said, taking out his phone again.



Caleb: Yo, nigga. Can u bring my bass over to the hospital?


Peter: busy 🍑

Caleb: Nigga what💀 get ur fatass up and bring my bass


Caleb: Peter u black fuck answer the phone.

Caleb looked up from his phone, sighing. "I guess he's not coming."

"Awh, that's too bad," Groaned Iris. "I always liked hearing you play."

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