Chapter Nine | Trust Issues

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5:26 PM

Later that day, Caleb and Sienna were out together, enjoying a light snack at a burger joint off campus. He'd sit at the table, blankly staring at her while she takes pictures of the food. His face was emotionless, like a robot of some kind. She was however as uppity and vibrant as a puppy dog, taking the first bite of her food with a big smile. Her face finally met his, the two entranced in a long gaze.

"What's wrong?..." Asked Sienna, who was just happy to see him.

He however couldn't hold his tongue anymore, addressing the elephant in the room. "How'd you find out where I was?"

For a while, there wasn't an answer, just the quiet sounds of her chewing her French fries. Then, she'd look up from her phone.

"Oh... you told me, remember?" She'd say, clearly lying.

Caleb put his phone on the table, face up, asking, "When did I tell you, Sienna?" She looks at his bright screen, noticing it was on their private messages together, her voice drew pale, not having a response to the question. He'd double down, saying, "I never told you where I was going to school."

The other people around began to look at their table, so she'd show more closed off body language, staring back at her phone.

"It's not even a big deal!"

"Stalking me isn't cool," Argued Caleb, who felt actually uneasy. "I could've reported you for that shit."

Sienna raised her voice, gaining the attention of more people in the restaurant. "I thought you said you missed me!"

"I did," he'd say, standing up slowly so it wasn't a whole scene for people to see. He grabs her hand, leaving some money on the table, then, Caleb would bring her outside, lowering his voice. "Of course I missed you, you're all I've been thinking about since I got here. That doesn't mean I invited you over for Peter's Bris."

Sienna would chuckle a bit at the last part, but noticed how serious he was. "Okay... I'm sorry," she told him. "I missed you too, and I didn't want to leave things how they were, like we did before."

He'd recall their first breakup, starting to regret it again as it crossed his mind. The truth is, he couldn't stay mad at her if he wanted to; she came in at a time where he felt truly alone, she gave him healing he didn't even think he deserved. And for that, he'd always be grateful.

"It's alright, I forgive you," Sighed Caleb.

She smiles softly, lowering her face in shame. Caleb, hand slowly made its way to her back, pulling her a little closer; what a sly dog.

"Oh... Max wanted to say hi!" Sienna told him. "He wants you to call him more."

"Tell that little bitch I'm not going to," he laughed.

6:21 PM

Anyways, back over with Peter, he was coincidentally paired with Chloe and Mayan for their afternoon French studies.

"Isn't it courir?" Asked Mayan with a little attitude in his tone.

"I don't fucking know," replied Peter, who was hiding his phone behind his French textbook; obviously, he was playing 2k28 with Cloud Gaming.

Mayan retorts, "Aren't you literally Canadian? They speak French there."

"They speak French in fucking Africa too, nigga!" He'd snarl back, still making it look like he was reading. "Why don't you tell me what it is."

Chloe would make audible snores, prompting Mayan to poke her with the tip of his pencil. "IM UP! Knock it off," she'd say, widening her drunken eyes.

"You've been spending a lot of time with those boys, huh Chloe?" Joked Peter, nudging Mayan in the shoulder. "With how many nights you've been there, it must be open season!"

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