Chapter Four | Broken Will Of Four

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8:36 pm.

The skies drew dark, school had come to a close and everyone on campus was invited to a party; one new year celebration in the gymnasium. The first to arrive was Chloe, well dressed to impress her next romantic interest as always.

Peter was the second, dressed casual and comfortable, and looked somewhat excited to see what was going on. Third was Caleb, who didn't really want to go, but was forcefully invited by Iris. Mayan was the fourth, and final person to arrive, dressed in pretty standard clothing.

Everyone gathered at the stands while a few cheerleaders stood in the center of the room, the lights dimmed; the room became silent. Kim appears slap dab in the center of the gym, holding a microphone in her hand.

"HELLOOOOO KIRKWOOOOD!" She'd announce, getting a loud holler from the crowd. "What? Couldn't hear you?... I said... HELLOOOOO KIRKWOOD!" Iris and Chloe would join in the noise, however our other male protagonists just watched what was going on. The brunette cheerleader snatched the mic, introducing herself as Rylie. "Are we ready to have the best party of the year or what?"

The audience would cheer, eventually leaving the stands to enjoy the festivities. Snacks were littered everywhere for the teens to enjoy. Caleb tailed behind Iris the entire time, making casual conversation as they walked around.

Peter would distance himself from strangers, staying by himself in the corner when suddenly—


Peter looks up to see a red cup in his face. As his gaze rises, he notices it's Kimberly, her face looks blushed. Maybe she's had a little too much to drink? He doesn't think much of it and takes the cup. "Yo," he'd reply calmly.

She'd get a little closer, smiling large. "Hey you're uh... you're one of the freshmen, huh? I remember you." Peter nods his head, uninterested, but not bothered in the slightest. Kim's hand would gently brush a few strands of hair behind her ear. "So w-w-what's your name again?" She'd huff in a drunken slur.


Single word answers, nothing more. When will this end? He thought. Kim laughed at the name, nearly falling over as she heard it. "Okay, PETER!" She chuckle. His eyes rolled in response, then focused on the cup.

"So what's in this?" Peter asked.


The boy thought about taking a sip, inspecting the liquid in the little red cup. What was the harm? He was an adult now, not like anyone could tell him no; then again, it'd be a shame if he were kicked out for doing something stupid while drunk. Fuck it, he'd say in his head, pouring it in his throat.

As Caleb looked around, he realized he had lost Iris in the chaotic crowd. As he wandered alone, he couldn't help but notice the frenzy of the people around him. With each passing moment, the crowd seemed to grow more feverish and impulsive, as if their energy was building into a frenzied crescendo. Caleb couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he watched the madness unfold around him.

Someone pushes past him, not even turning back to say sorry. Caleb wasn't confrontational, so he was more than willing to let it go. He feels a hand slap against his back.

"Caleb!" A voice called out. He'd turn around, seeing Iris with a few friends. "Sorry I couldn't introduce y'all before," she'd shout, trying to be louder than the background noise. Then, she'd pull the girl with darker hair closer, saying, "This is my girlfriend, Macy."

His face dropped, looking completely still — reaction-less. "Cool. Nice to meet you," he'd say with a fake smile, and sticking his hand out.

The girl would refuse the handshake, but instead kissing Iris passionately on the lips. He felt awkward having to see every detail, a little jealous, but wouldn't admit such a thing to himself or anyone else.

Much later, Kenneth was feeling anxious as he stood outside his dorm room in the campus units. He had planned to arrive earlier, but his mind was clouded with indecisiveness. He kept pacing back and forth in the hallway, still engrossed in an inner debate on whether or not to go. His thoughts were jumbled, and he couldn't seem to make a clear decision.

Luckily, Christian found himself passing by in the hall.


Kenneth would raise his face from the floor. "Christian... What's up, man?" He'd reply, still looking visually conflicted. 

"Nothin' much," Replied Christian, holding up a small box and a grocery bag. "Just bought some new shit for my PC."

"Oh shit!" Kenn would applaud excitedly. "Looks dope. Can I kick with you for a little bit? That party looks ass."

Christian shrugged. "Sure, if you help me get everything set up."


The two made their way to his small, single person dorm, adding new parts and equipment to Christian's computer. As they finished, he'd load up some pirated games while Kenn sat on the edge of the bed. The younger boy would scroll through pictures of Kim from the party, disappointed in himself for not going; there was still time, but what was the point now? He failed.

"What's wrong with you?" Asked a wise, upperclassman. "You can get the next turn after this, don't stress."

"Nothing," he tells him. "I just wanted to check that party out, type shit."

"Then go?" Snarked Christian, halfway in the game. "That stuff only happens like every few months here, enjoy it while you can, little man."

"How come you didn't go?"

"I don't do all that partying," Christian answered honestly. "Just not my thing."

Mayan himself outside, idly observing his roommate Chloe as she entered a beer balance competition. The rules were simple: two participants had to take shots of beer while balancing on one leg.

It was quite a spectacle to watch, with the participants trying their best to maintain their balance and composure as they downed their drinks. Everyone stood there, fascinated by the display of skill and determination, especially Peter, who was challenging her.

"CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" Shouts the crowd.

Peter wobbled a little, almost losing his composure. Chloe was sick to her stomach, but had to power through it to impress her potential athlete romances. "C'mon, man... Just fall *burps* over already!" Yelled the more impatient girl.

Peter shook his head, determined to win.

"Fuck no... Nigga."

Big Four college years (ft. Cockrat / Ivy)Where stories live. Discover now