Chapter Five | An Ace of Clubs and a Jack of Spades

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9:16 pm.

Peter and Chloe were still locked in a grueling balancing competition. Both kept their strong resolves, one was determined to show the men around that she was fun to hang around; the other just didn't want to lose to a woman.

The two took another shot, wobbling even more than before. "C'mon just fall over already, bitch!" Hollered someone from the crowd. Chloe responds with a bold middle finger, taking two extra shots instead of one.

Caleb, Iris, and her girlfriend made it outside, watching the competition. The lesbians leaned against one another while he pretended not to care; though, it genuinely hurt him inside.

Peter starts laughing, seeing Chloe nearly vomit. "You heard them," he told her. "Quit." She'd stay silent, holding her mouth so she wouldn't let it all out.

"Isn't that our roommate?!" Iris shouted over to Caleb, who was busy trying to ignore the two girls practically glued to each other. "Caleb!" She doubled down, trying to get him to answer.

"Huh? Yeah..."

9:29 pm

Kenneth arrives at the front of the gymnasium, before entering, a lanky white dude and a smaller white girl storm out. "What the fuck are you even mad about?!" Hollered Ace.

Sophie stopped in her tracks, turning around with crossed arms. "I saw you eying that bitch during the rally, asshole!"

"What are talking about? Rylie's just a friend, shit not even a friend; we barely talk," He'd deny, although, actually had feelings for the other girl in question. "I wasn't even looking at her."

"Fuck you!" Sophie takes a swing, slapping him in the face. "Just an F.Y.I., she will NEVER be as good as I've fucking been to you!" The girl storms off in a fit, tears dropping to the ground like flies.

Dramatic, Kenn thought in his mind, laughing a bit out loud. Ace leaned against the building, holding his face in his hands. The younger boy walked up, patting the stranger on the shoulder before going inside.

The interior of the gym looked practically empty now, so he wondered if he missed the party. But then, a figure limps into view, it's Kimberly, just who he was looking for.

"What's up?" He'd ask confidently. She wouldn't respond, just weakly falling into his arms, completely drunk. "Are you good?—" Kim looked up at him, giving him a drunken smile before she did the most vile thing ever, puking all over his red-colored hoodie.

He didn't react at first, just held her for a little bit. Then, let his focus slowly wander onto his lathered shirt. His face scrunched up at the sight—- were those CHUNKS?!?!? Gross...

"Sorry, Kyle," she chuckled, slinking further down, ragdolling in his hands.

"That's not even close... whatever." Kenn would lift her a little more, setting her down against one of the bleachers. "You got your room key on you?" He wondered.

"No," she'd giggle, going completely limp on the step. "I left it with Mark."

Which immediately prompted the question, "Who's Mark?"

"Huh?" Replied Kim, dodging the question altogether. Kenn starts to take off his hoodie, tossing it into the trash while sitting next to his unrequited love.

"So you don't have your key on you, and you're drunk?..."

9:32 PM

The competition finally ends with Chloe collapsing onto the ground in an alcohol induced coma. The crowd cheers, celebrating her defeat. Peter throws his hands into the sky. "KIRKWOOD!" He'd yell at the audience.

Caleb claps his hands together in a brief applaud, still trying to ignore the couple next to him, just the sight of them made him uneasy, despite the fact he's told himself he's moved on. All of those memories just came rushing back in a flood, and he didn't enjoy a single one.

"Caleb!" Iris called out to gain his focus once more. He turned his head to look at her as she said, "I'm gonna take Macy back home, are you fine being left here by yourself?"

Why'd she ask that last part like that, he wasn't six years old, he was a grown ass man. "Yeah, no shit," he'd add, continuing his thought out loud. Iris would raise her brows at his blunt words, nodding her head shortly afterwards.

"I'll see you later then?"


Though, he didn't sound too sure. Mayan helped the unconscious Chloe to her feet, helping her back to the room without being too rough. (Sorry for no Kiro dialogue recently, I just had no idea where to put him).

Caleb takes a stroll over to his roommate, grabbing his shoulder. "Way to go, you black bitch!" He'd chuckle, slapping Peter's back in the process.

"I didn't say I was done! I'm going one more round."

"You sure?" He asked softly, trying to save his roommate.

"Yes, nigga! They've got 500 dollars on me," Peter would shout loudly.

A taller black male, built like an ox walks over, offering to challenge him for the money. Now Mark is an interesting case, he's an absolute tank of an athlete who jokes around with his friends a lot, but still manages to keep somewhat passable grades — I'd even say they're great grades.

The two get on one leg, a few beers rested gently in their hands. After the first few shots, Peter pans widely from left to right, having practically no balance at all. Mark laughed, only a few drinks in. Pete was determined to win because with that kind of money, he could pay his rent early, AND still have enough for exclusive content in NBA 2k28.

(Yes it's that year or somthin in the timeline)

9:41 PM

After clearing up some more, Kimberly rested on the bleachers while Kenneth kept watch over her, trying his best to be the knight in shining stained armor on her party night.


His eyes slightly widened, ready to hear what she had to say.

"Kenneth could you... uhm get my keys from Mark? He should be outside."

"Oh shit," Smiled the boy, finally getting up from the bleachers. "You actually got my name right."

"Don't push it," She chuckled.

"I got you, just don't go anywhere, alright?"

9:42 PM

Kenneth walks outside, seeing two guys balancing on one leg while a large crowd watches, he'd push through the group of people, asking strangers if they were Mark. Eventually he'd bump into Caleb.

"Is your name... Mark, by chance?"

"What?" Caleb asked, as if what he just heard was the craziest thing to grace his ears. "Like Mark Hoppus?" (😭)


The two boys competing both began to shake at the base of their legs, with Mark toppling to the ground after his sixth drink in a row. Peter threw his beer van in the air, proud of his high alcohol tolerance.

"C'mon Mark, thought you said you had this?" Said a random guy, helping him stand. Kenneth perks up at the name, walking over to him calmly.

"Yo, do you know Kimberly?"

Mark would nod his head to answer, then narrowed his eyes as he asked, "Yeah... What about her?"

"She asked me to come get her keys," Kenn would tell him directly, keeping his head held high so he didn't come off like a complete weirdo.

However, Mark's friends begin to ooh in the moment while the crowd goes silent...

"The fuck do you mean she told you to 'come get her keys?' Why are you talking to my girl, my nigga?!"

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