Chapter Three - My Bentley

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    Chapter Three - My Bentley

"Someone must ensure you don't get in over your head. It might as well be me. And nobody drives the Bentley except me..." Crowley growled softly.

Crowley offered out their arm for Alexandria to grab. "I'll convince you one day to let me drive it, but until then, I don't mind being in the passenger seat." Alexandria grabbed Crowley's arm with a tight grip, causing Crowley to quirk an eyebrow up in shock.

"You are positive that we will return before Aziraphale knows we're gone? I don't really want to come back to an angry angel," Crowley mumbled to Alexandria.

"Yes, we should be back before he returns," Alexandria turned and poked Crowley's chest with her finger. "As long as you don't cause any mischief, this should be... I am not sure what this will be. We might be crashing a party if I am correct with my theory..."

Crowley and Alexandria began to make their way towards the bookshop entrance.

"A party? Well, this should be interesting. Exactly what type of party are we talking about here?" asked Crowley, putting their sunglasses back on and preparing to leave the bookshop.

"The party we will be crashing is an annual ball for a secret society known as 'the order of the seven demons.' If I am correct, they should have some ancient texts that can help us stop Armageddon. Perhaps even tell us exactly what will cause Armageddon!" Alexandria exclaimed in excitement!

"Will be going undercover like spies! I haven't been a spy since 1941, when I was helping out MI6 with the war effort. I wonder if I still have what it takes." Alexandria said while making a finger gun gesture and pointing it at Crowley, causing them to roll their eyes and open the door to the bookshop.

"By all means, lead the way, little spy," said Crowley as they held out their arm and gestured for Alexandria to leave the bookshop first.

Alexandria stepped out of the bookshop, followed by Crowley; the two made their way to the Bentley. Crowley went to open the passenger side door for Alexandria. Before Alexandria could make it to the car's passenger side, she felt the hair on the back of her neck rise and goosebumps appear on her arms. Fearing something was terribly wrong, she began to look around. Until her eyes landed on a dark alley across the street. She stood staring at it momentarily, wondering if some force was lurking in the shadows, waiting to step out into the light. Nothing does, causing her to draw her eyes away from the alley. The street is busy with humans as they walk on the sidewalks minding their own business. Going in and out of stores carrying shopping bags with their latest purchases. Some even sitting outside little restaurants and cafes enjoying a nice meal. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. So why did Alexandria feel as if something terrible was hidden right in front of her and Crowley's eyes?

"Everything alright, little angel?" concern etched in Crowley's features as they notice Alexandria's tense stance and wandering eyes.

Alexandria softly shakes her head and smiles at Crowley. "Oh, it was silly. Don't mind me. Let's get going; the quicker we get this done, the closer we are to finding answers." Alexandria stepped into the passenger side door, and Crowley closed the door with a thud.

With a bit of a sprint, Crowley makes their way to the driver's side and gets in the Bentley. "Do you have the address?" Crowley asked while quirking an eyebrow up in question.

"Ahhh, yes," Alexandria reaches into the beaded bag and pulls out the notebook she was writing in earlier. Flipping through the pages, she finds the page with the address and shows it to Crowley.

"Mmmmhhhh, I've actually been to this estate a few times in recent years." Said Crowley with a devilish smirk on their face.

"Perfect, then we shouldn't have any problems with getting there quickly," said Alexandria, challenging Crowley's driving skills, knowing this would irritate them.

"Ohh, little angel, just you wait." Crowley said as he stepped on the gas, causing the tires to screech as they speed down the road. Unknown to the two celestial beings, something was lurking in the dark alley. As the creature stepped closer to the edge of the alley, its eyes began to glow a scarlet red, and all that you could make out was its eyes and a smirk with razor-sharp teeth. Slowly, the creature disappeared back into the alley with a sinister laugh.

Two hours into the drive go by.

"Are we almost there yet? I thought you would have already gotten us there. Especially with your incredible driving skills," said Alexandria sarcastically.

"Well, if you're in such a hurry to get there, maybe you should have driven, Alexandria," Crowley smirked, clearly enjoying teasing her about her driving skills and how she had never been allowed to drive the Bentley.

"You wouldn't let me drive the Bentley even if you were incapacitated, let alone if I wanted to do it for fun," Alexandria said while rolling her eyes.

"Exactly, so how about you quit complaining and let me do what I know best, driving my Bentley," said Crowley.

After another hour of driving, they finally arrived at their destination. The estate was elegant, with gates made of iron and a long pathway leading up to the grand mansion. As they stepped out of the Bentley, Crowley suddenly grabbed Alexandria's hand and turned her towards him.

"You've not to leave my side at all tonight. Do... You... Understand... Me? The people inside this estate are some of the wickedest and nastiest people that I have seen on this Earth. I can't let something happen to you." Said Crowley with a severe expression; he haled up their hand, cutting off Alexandria before she could speak.

"I know you can handle yourself. But I've always promised Azirphale I would look after and protect you if he wasn't around. You are my responsibility tonight, and nothing will touch you while you are under my watch." Alexandria blushed a scarlet red and shook her head, agreeing with Crowly's request.

"Good, now if anyone asks. You are my fiancé," said Crowley as they waved their hand over Alexandria's, causing a gorgeous vintage pear-cut ruby gold engagement ring to appear on her finger. Crowley also snapped their fingers, and their outfits began to change appearance. Crowley was now wearing a 3-piece tuxedo slim fit with a maroon-red dress shirt accompanied by a black jacket vest and tie that matched. Alexandria watched as her outfit began to morph into a beautiful velvet maroon one-shoulder, slim-fitting evening dress that featured a slit along her right leg that went up to her mid-thigh. She raised her eyes up, giving Crowley a surprised look.

"I can't have you looking innocent tonight. Many of these people know me, and it's not for such holy reasons, as I am sure you can guess. Shall we head in now?" asked Crowley with a devilish smirk on their face.

"Follow me, my dear," Crowley took Alexandria's hand and placed it in the crook of his arm as he led them to the enormous front wooden doors. Engraved into the wood, it looked like demons torturing humans. All forms of torture were included in the design, it seemed. This caused Alexandria to tighten her grip on Crowley's arm, and she started to take deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart down. Crowley raised his free arm to the door knocker, which resembled a hand holding an apple. The door knocker being a reference to when Adam and Eve ate the apple from the Tree of Knowledge back in the Garden of Eden.

Crowley leaned into Alexandria's ear and whispered, "Everything will be okay. Nothing terrible will come of tonight. Have you ever known me to lie?"

"Yes, I have known you to lie; you're a demon..." said Alexandria, with concern written all over her face.

"Well, I meant to you. I've never lied to you; I am a demon of my word, after all, " Crowley said, smirking down at Alexandria. Before Alexandria could respond, the mansion doors were opened by a servant wearing a mask.

The servant smiles knowingly at Crowley, "Master Crowley, it is so good to see you again." The servants' eyes widened slightly as they looked toward Alexandria hanging on Crowley's arm; they also noticed the engagement ring on her finger. "Ahh, and it appears you also have a Madam with you tonight. Good evening, Madam Crowley."

    Crowley gives a sly smile as they both step through the doors, ready for anything the night may bring.

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