Chapter Thirteen - Jealousy

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Chapter Thirteen - Jealousy

Crowley pulled open the bookshop door and accidentally slammed it with more force than necessary. He went to the lounge and placed his drink and the carryout bag on the table before the couch. Crowley leaned his arms across the top of the mantle and rested his head on them. He knew at any moment Azirphale was going to come bouncing down the stairs to ask what happened.

Right on cue, Aziraphale made his way down the stairs in a hurry and looked at Crowley with a surprised expression on his face.

"It seems as if the power has gone out. Wonder what happened?" Aziraphale said before his eyes took in Crowley's sorry state of appearance. Aziraphale instantly knew that something terrible had happened once their eyes scanned Crowley's demeanor. His stance was rigid and appeared to be as stiff as a board.

"Crowley, my dear fellow, whatever is the matter?" Aziraphale inquired, their voice laced with genuine concern. They approached Crowley with cautious steps.

Crowley remained silent for a moment, the weight of his emotions hanging heavy in the air. He knew he couldn't hide the truth from Aziraphale, not when they were so attuned to each other's moods and feelings.

Taking a deep breath, Crowley straightened up and turned to face Aziraphale, his expression somber yet determined.

"To answer your first question, the power going out was my doing. I might have let my anger get the best of me. To answer your second question, I had a... disagreement with Alexandria," Crowley admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "Things were said, and I fear I may have hurt her deeply."

"Where exactly is she? Is she still over at the coffee shop?" said Azirpahle as he noticed the coffee cup and the carryout bag. "Oh, is she in the kitchen? Let me go talk to her I am sure I can calm her down," said Aziraphale as they started to make their way towards the kitchen.

Crowley sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair. "She's not here, Aziraphale. She left. I don't think she wants to see either of us for a while," Crowley confessed, the weight of his words echoing in the quiet room.

Aziraphale's expression shifted to one of concern, and they turned back to face Crowley. "Left!? What happened, Crowley? You two have been getting along so well lately. Was it something I missed?" Aziraphale's eyes held a mixture of worry and confusion.

Crowley hesitated for a moment, debating how much to reveal. "We had a disagreement, and I said some things I shouldn't have. It got out of hand, and now... she's gone," Crowley explained, his voice laden with remorse.

Aziraphale frowned, their concern deepening. "Well, we can't just let her go off! It's not safe–not with the Ammargddeon prophecy I read to you both last night; I'll go after her and try to talk some sense into her. You stay here and, I don't know, try not to cause any more power outages," Aziraphale said as they quickly went to the coat hanger and grabbed their signature coat.

Crowley grabbed Aziraphale's arm and stopped him before he could open the door, "Wait! You... You think the prophecy is referring to her. You can't believe that Aziraphale–" Crowley stepped back from Aziraphale, releasing his arm in the process. Crowley began to shake his head with disproval.

"No, I don't think it's referring to her! But she is not in the right mindset right now; she is angry and all alone... You only need one wrong moment to happen that can change your life forever. Crowley, you know that... If something is out there that can sense her anguish, it could result in her making a fatal mistake."

Crowley's expression softened, understanding the urgency of the situation. "You're right," Crowley conceded, his voice tinged with concern. "I'll come with you. We need to find her before anything happens."

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