Chapter Twentyone - No More Secrets

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Chapter Twentyone - No More Secrets

Aziraphale hurried quickly into the bookshop while carrying Alexandria, Crowley trailing behind him. The two figures took to the stairs and made their way up towards Alexandria's room. With hurried steps, they made it into her room.

Aziraphale gently placed Alexandria down on the bed and stepped away from her. He began to pace nervously and was deep in thought. Crowley crouched by Alexandria's side, and he gently caressed her head. He gathered her hand and brought it up towards his lips. He placed a sweet kiss on it and stroked her hands with his thumb.

As Crowley tenderly kissed Alexandria's hand, his mind raced with concern for her well-being. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air, a palpable tension that seemed to weigh heavily on the room. Despite his typically confident demeanor, Crowley couldn't deny the fear gnawing at his heart.

Meanwhile, Aziraphale paced the room, his brow furrowed in deep concentration. He mulled over the events of the evening, searching for clues that might shed light on what had befallen Alexandria. His mind buzzed with questions, each one leading to more uncertainty and apprehension.

After a moment of silence, Aziraphale stopped pacing and turned to face Crowley, his expression grave. "We need to find out what Judas did to her," he said, his voice filled with determination. "We can't afford to waste any time."

Crowley nodded in agreement, his gaze never leaving Alexandria's peaceful face. "Agreed. But how do we proceed? We need answers, and we need them quickly."

Crowley stood up from his couch position and gently touched Alexandria's arm. He furrowed his brow in concern. He began to feel her head and neck area with his hands. "She feels extremely hot, Aziraphale. Like a fever... Can angels even get fevers?

Aziraphale approached Alexandria's bedside, his expression mirroring Crowley's concern. He placed a hand on her forehead, confirming the warmth Crowley had sensed.

"It's unusual for angels to experience fevers, Crowley," Aziraphale replied, his voice tinged with worry. "But given the circumstances, it's hard to say what's happening to her. Whatever Judas did to her clearly had a profound effect."

Crowley cradled Alexandria's head in his hands, his worry for her evident in his eyes. Aziraphale pulled the vial from his coat pocket. "Let's start by examining the vial," Aziraphale suggested, gesturing towards the glass container that held the mysterious substance. He placed it on Alexandria's bedside table

"Perhaps it holds the key to unraveling this mystery. I will head downstairs to collect some books on healing remedies for angels. You stay up here with her. Yell for me or come collect me if anything bad happens. I'll be up here in a flash." Aziraphale ran from the room.

Crowley nodded, his focus solely on Alexandria as he watched Aziraphale leave the room. With a gentle hand, he reached for the vial that was sitting on her bedside table, examining it closely. The liquid inside shimmered faintly under the dim light of the room, its contents mysterious and foreboding.

Carefully, Crowley unscrewed the cap, taking a cautious sniff of the liquid. A pungent odor wafted from the vial, causing him to scrunch up his nose and grimace at the smell. Whatever it contained, it was potent and undoubtedly dangerous.

His thoughts raced as he considered the implications of what they were facing. Alexandria's condition was worsening, and they were running out of time. With a sense of determination, Crowley set the vial aside and turned his attention back to Alexandria, his heart heavy with worry. He crouched down beside her once more. Crowley placed his head against the bed and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to try to calm his racing heart.

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