Chapter Fourteen - All is Forgiven

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Chapter Fourteen - All is Forgiven

Aziraphale moved to sit beside Alexandria on the couch. He gathered her left hand with both his hands and held onto it. "Everything will be alright; we won't question you any more about the park. And I will ensure Crowley won't ask questions when they return. We need to focus on Armageddon, and I believe the best course of action will be for us to start looking through those books you brought back from the mansion," said Aziraphale as he pointed at the beaded bag that was on his desk.

Alexandria began to speak, "Yes, we definitely need to get back to the matter at hand-"

"And what exactly do we need to get back to?" Crowley asked as he stood behind the two celestial beings sitting on the couch.

Crowley's voice broke the momentary peace. Alexandria's heart skipped a beat, and she turned to face him with a mixture of surprise and apprehension. She hadn't expected him to return so soon, and the tension in the air was heavy as he loomed over them with an intensity that caused goosebumps to rise on her skin.

Crowley's eyes narrowed as he took in the scene before him, his gaze flickering between Alexandria and Aziraphale. Despite his best efforts to maintain his composure, the hurt and anger simmered just beneath the surface, threatening to boil over at any moment.

Crowley had slipped back into the room without Aziraphale and Alexandria's knowledge. He was carrying Alexandria's spare clothes in his hand. Crowley slowly moved his way around the couch, eyeing the two the whole time. It seemed like he was a snake slithering about, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

"I still want to know what that man said to you at the park. You can answer me now, or we can discuss it after investigating the books. One way or another, you will tell me what happened," spoke Crowley softly.

"Crowley, I don't think that's really necessary. I think it was just a man checking on her; nothing happened. So, let's drop it and focus on our next steps regarding Armageddon," Said Aziraphale in a strict tone.

As Aziraphale spoke, a tense silence descended upon the room, broken only by the soft crackling of the fireplace. Crowley's gaze remained fixed on Alexandria, his expression inscrutable as he contemplated Aziraphale's words.

For a moment, Alexandria felt as though the weight of Crowley's scrutiny was suffocating, and she struggled to find the words to respond. Her heart raced in her chest as she grappled with the conflicting emotions swirling within her.

Finally, summoning her courage, Alexandria met Crowley's gaze with a steely resolve. "Aziraphale is right. It was just a man checking on me. Nothing more," she replied, her voice steady despite knowing she was telling a lie.

Crowley's eyes narrowed at her response, a flicker of doubt crossing his features before he masked it with a thin veneer of indifference. "Fine," Crowley said tersely, his tone betraying none of the tumultuous emotions that churned beneath the surface.

"By the way, here are your spare clothes. I grabbed the first things I saw in your room," Crowley said, standing before Alexandria and holding out her clothes. Alexandria stood up and gathered the clothes from Crowley's arms.

"Thank you..." Alexandria spoke softly, gazing into Crowley's eyes. For a moment, all the anger inside Crowley vanished as he stared into Alexandria's eyes. Alexandria stepped around Crowley and made her way towards the stairs to head to her bathroom to change. Crowley watched her make her way up the stairs, and then he took off after her. Hearing Aziraphale in the background trying to get him to come back.

As Alexandria ascended the stairs, Crowley's footsteps echoed behind her, a silent testament to his determination to confront their unresolved tension. Despite Aziraphale's calls from below, Crowley pressed on, his mind consumed by thoughts of Alexandria and the tumultuous emotions that roiled within him.

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