Chapter Eight - Falling For You

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Chapter Eight - Falling For You

As Crowley steps closer to the portrait, Alexandria can't help but feel a sense of unease settle over her. His words echo her own thoughts, and she finds herself drawn back to the enigmatic figure depicted in the painting—a dark reflection of herself, adorned with a crown and surrounded by the flames of hell.

As Crowley lifts his sunglasses, revealing his golden-snake eyes, trying to get a better look at the portrait. Alexandria can't help but feel a shiver run down her spine. There's something unsettling about the resemblance between the woman in the portrait and herself, a connection that defies logic and reason.

"I mean, Alexandria, that looks exactly like you, except in a demon form. And why is that crown upon your head?" Crowley's words break through the silence of the room, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

But as Alexandria tries to make sense of the painting before her, she is suddenly overcome by a chill that cuts through the warmth of the flickering torchlight. A cold breeze brushes against her neck, causing goosebumps to rise on her arms and the hair on the back of her neck to stand on end.

Instinctively, she begins to scan the room, her senses on high alert as she searches for any sign of the unknown force that seems to be watching them. But aside from the flickering torches and the ancient artifacts lining the walls, there is nothing to suggest that they are not alone.

As Alexandria turns towards the books on the shelves, her eyes widen with recognition and excitement. Each title she sees deals directly with Armageddon, confirming that they have indeed stumbled upon the very knowledge they sought within the depths of the ancient library.

"Crowley, I think we found what we were looking for; look at the books!" Alexandria exclaims, her voice filled with a mixture of awe and determination as she bends down to inspect the titles.

Crowley joins her, his eyes scanning the spines of the books with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. The titles speak of prophecies, ancient texts, and forbidden knowledge—each one offering a glimpse into the secrets of the impending apocalypse.

As he takes in the sight before him, a sense of urgency washes over Crowley. "Grab all these books now, and put them into your beaded bag. We need to get out of here before someone discovers we have found these," Crowley begins to grab books and starts piling them up, waiting for Alexandria to get her charmed beaded bag out.

"Wait, shouldn't we discuss this before...?" Alexandria begins, but Crowley cuts her off with a wave of his hand, dismissing her concerns with a sense of urgency.

"We don't have time for that," Crowley insists, his voice tinged with urgency. "And besides, we're not stealing. We're just borrowing them for a little while. I'll return them once we're done."

Despite her reservations, Alexandria knows that time is of the essence and that they cannot afford to waste a single moment deliberating over their next move. With a resigned sigh, she nods in agreement, her fingers deftly retrieving her charmed beaded bag from her side.

"Fine, let's just get this over with," Alexandria concedes, her voice tinged with reluctance as she begins to stack the books into her bag carefully.

Alexandria can't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at her conscience with each book she adds to the pile. They may not be stealing in the traditional sense, but their actions hang heavy on her soul, a reminder of the thin line between right and wrong in their quest to save the world.

But as she looks at Crowley, his eyes filled with determination and resolve, she knows that they must press forward, guided by the flickering light of hope and the knowledge that they are fighting for a cause greater than themselves.

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