Chapter 13.

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Yibo was still in a daze when he came out of the meeting room. Zhan met with his brothers and the others before he faced Steve and the others. He kept his hand around Yibo's shoulder and smiled. "Mr. Wang here is a very special person to me, I hope that he is treated with kindness here.

Because if my special people are hurt, then I feel like it is a personal attack on me and I am very serious."

Yibo was not able to understand the underlying threat he was just happy to be called a special person by Zhan, however Steve, Callum, and Jack saw the coldness disgust, and anger on Zhan's face and the cold voice that was laced with threat, Zhan's body language was intimidating as well and his two brothers, who just smirked before Simon, "you heard him... if our dear little friend is not treated nicely then that's not gonna be good."

Marius added, "I am sure you will make sure our dear Yibo is treated like a prince; otherwise, we are famous for wiping out people who hurt one of our own."

Yibo looked at him and then at Zhan who gave him a wide smile, before he said, "You should be thankful to him, he is the 'only' reason why you have a deal with us, his presence is much more impactful than any boring reports that you all presented." He spoke.

Steve clenched his fists as he glared at Yibo, this was clearly insult and humiliation and threats in their own place, by some stranger, all because of this retard! How dare he complain about them to someone like Mr. Xiao! This fool!"

Callum and Jack were not that happy either, because how can someone like Yibo deserve to be such a great friend of Yibo.

After a little bit of more talking Zhan and his brothers left but he did invite Yibo for lunch the next day and of course Yibo said yes.

Once Zhan was gone walked back to his desk, and when he reached there he was met with Steve who said, "you fool! You dared to complain about me to Mr. Xiao! Who do you think you are! You played a victim before him huh and brought him here to humiliate us?"

Yibo looked down and stuttered a little, "I didn't complain and I didn't even know that he was coming here."

Jack finally spoke, "you have finally learned to lie huh! How come he became such a good friend of yours?!"

"I met him during the earthquake in Nolani and helped him." Yibo said, "When you all left me there alone."

Steve got pissed, "So was I suppose to put my life in danger because of you! I am warning you if you dared to complain to him one more time about us then it won't end well for you!"

He warned him but Jack held his arm, "let's not make a scene." He said as the others were looking at them, "As Mr. Xiao said, he considered Yibo as his own person and it won't be hard for him to monitor us, we can't mess this deal and with him, let's just use this fool to get him to cooperate with our company, for once this idiot has done something great for us."

Callum added, "he is right, Mr. Xiao's family is really powerful, his family has ties everywhere, business, politics and some even say underworld, and the threat that his younger brother gave is also true... there were rumors of people just disappearing after they angered them... let's not take any risk."

Steve knew this too, that they were nothing but ants in front of the giant Xiao empire. He gave one nasty glare to Yibo before he walked away from there and once they were gone, Yibo sat on his dead, he thought about what the others had said and felt a little disheartened to think that these people thought that Zhan was cruel.

That was not the case, Zhan was not cruel, in fact he was really kind and nice. He was sad to see that these people misunderstood Zhan.

"Hi." A sudden voice captured his attention and he looked at the person who had approached him, it was a woman, whom he had never seen before, she was a beautiful woman, with a kind smile as she looked at Yibo.

"My name is Meng Ziyi and I am new here, um... can I ask you about something?" she said and Yibo smiled and nodded and she sat down beside him and they started to talk and just like that now Yibo had someone that he enjoyed talking to at work.

And that day he didn't eat his lunch alone. Ziyi was a kind and gentle woman, but she was always cheerful and liked to talk a lot, and she was also a good listener.

After the day at the office was over, Ziyi said, "I am also going in the same direction as you." she said.

Yibo spoke, "where do you live?"

And Ziyi named her apartment and Yibo said, "Oh, I live there too."

"Really, on which floor?"

"Tenth floor."

"Me too." She said, "Flat number?"


"I am 401." She said with a gasp, "oh my god! We are neighbors."

Yibo smiled as the two walked back together. Once they reached their respective flats, they both said goodbyes to each other before they walked in their house.

When Yibo entered the house, there was a smile on his face, but it soon vanished when he heard, "Why are you smiling?"

He paused as he looked at Tina, who was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed with a wine glass in her hand as she looked at Yibo, "I heard something really astonishing today. You are 'friends' with 'The' Xiao Zhan? The heir of the Xiao's seriously? Someone like you is friends with such a dignified man? And not just him you are friends with his brothers as well?

Sand because of an idiot like you, he actually insulted Steve?" she laughed as as she got up and moved closer to him, "Did you feed him some bullshit? Did you play the victim? You dumb fuck!" she yelled at him which made him flinch.

Once again he retreated into his shell while Tina yelled, "What else are you hiding huh?"

Yibo was suddenly reminded of Zhan's confession today and that made his heart jump, he suddenly missed Zhan, and he wanted to be in his presence.

"What are you thinking about?" Tina spoke, "you are actually thinking about something else right now?! I am asking you a question!"

Yibo clenched his fists, "I am not hiding anything."

Tina smirked and said, "dear husband, since you are such good friends with Mr. Xiao, why don't you arrange my meeting with him? I am sure that I can pursue him to do business with my company as well." She said, "you can do this much for me, right?"

Yibo didn't like that, he didn't know why but he wasn't happy with the idea that Tina wanted to meet with Zhan. Zhan was like his safe haven, and he didn't want Tina to be near him because what if Zhan met Tina and then started to hate him as well, what if he also started to lean towards Tina and then spend a lot of time with her.

His heart was beating faster as he said, "I... he is busy it will be hard, and I never asked him anything like this before." He spoke.

Tina's smile was suddenly gone as she looked at Yibo with rage before she started to scream, "You fucker! For the first time in your life, you had something of an advantage, for the first time, there was a way for you to help me, and you declined! How dare you? How dare you say no to me! Idiot retard!

Do you think that you are someone special now that you are friends with Mr. Xiao! Do you think that just because I asked something from you, you are superior to me? Huh!"

She screamed at his face, and Yibo stepped back, "It's not like that; he is really a busy person."

"Then am I some freeloader or what!" she yelled as well. Before she threw the wine bottle at him he dodged it, and then she proceeded to throw things around the house before she started to attack Yibo, who tried his best to get away from her, and in the end, he just went to his room.

And he locked the door, he leaned against the door before he slid down on the floor and sighed. He really didn't want Zhan to meet Tina.

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