Chapter 44.

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As soon as the meeting wasdone Zhan just wanted to head back to Yibo and explain the situation to him, however, he was held back, because he had underestimated the amount of work that needed his attention.

He sighed as he leaned back on his chair, and finally, Marius said, "What's wrong?"

Zhan said, "Yibo heard me and Tina talking and she said to keep up the deal, and he asked what deal and I told her that she would work in our company at a high post which pays a high salary, and he got really mad and refused to listen to me after that."

Marius said, "so you did not tell him the reason and the plan?"

"As I said he wasn't ready to listen, he didn't even look at me and listened to music for the whole ride, he didn't really give me a chance to talk and when I thought that I would follow him inside his house to talk to him, Simon called me."

Marius sighed, "damn it's a mess."

"I know." Zhan spoke, "I will go to him in the evening and then talk to him."

Marius groaned, "if I was him, I would have also thrown a lot of tantrums hell I would be pissed that the person I loved made a deal with my abuser and would be in the same vicinity as the abuser.

The amount of mental damage she must have caused him must have made him paranoid, scared and he is right, would you like him to be anywhere near the people who had harmed and work with them and be close with them?"

"Fuck!" Zhan said as he held his head in his hand and said, "I did not think like that, I was so focused on him getting the divorce without false accusations and then focused on my plan to make these people suffer. I didn't think about his suffering.

I didn't think like this!"

Marius shrugged, "Well now you know. I know that you want to take revenge on his behalf, hell even I want her to suffer the worse. But lets not make the victim suffer while taking revenge for him. His feelings, comfort, and happiness come first."

Zhan nodded before he smiled, "You sound like dad."

Marius smirked, "You know that I and Simon take after that while you take after mom, perhaps that's why dad favors you more."

"That's not true."

"Yeah, yeah focus on making your boyfriend happy."

"Sure." Zhan leaned back on his chair, "as for Tina and the others..."

"Ah... a few more days before things are set into action, let her come here and get comfortable, the higher she flies, the harder will be the fall."

"What about Ziyi?"

"She will be more than happy to beat the crap out of her, she had done that before anyways."



Yibo was in his room lying on his bed, the initial happiness that he had felt was gone after he heard about the deal between Tina and Zhan.

Now she was going to stay beside Zhan and perhaps impress him and take him away from him, hasn't she already started doing that? Zhan hid things from him, yelled at him, didn't follow him inside to talk to him, and just left. He did send a message but after that there was nothing, there was no call either.

Was Zhan really done with him? Was he losing interest in him? One after the other negative thoughts flooded his mind, the thoughts became so bad and so negative that Yibo felt suffocated and found it hard to breathe. He felt pain in his chest, and it was getting really hard to bear.

"Yibo come on eat something." His father said, his dad tried to talk to him but it was useless as Yibo would just tell him that he was tired and everything was okay but his father was not blind and knew that something was wrong.

However, Yibo was not really in the mood to talk with anyone. He soon fell asleep.

The next time when he opened his eyes and tried to move, he found himself unable to move, there was someone lying behind him and was hugging him tightly.

He tried to move but the hug was only tightened as Zhan snuggled against him, rubbing his face on his shoulder. Yibo sighed, he loved being hugged and cuddled by Zhan and he almost melted into his arms but then he remembered that he was still angry with him. So he said, "Leave me."

"Not in this life."

"I am still angry at you."

"I know."

"Then leave me I don't want to talk to you."

"Then don't just hug me, and let me explain. Please baby cheeks."

Yibo said nothing and Zhan said, "She had said that she would contest the divorce and she would make false accusations against you, like domestic violence and what not, that would have delayed the divorce process, and she could have asked you to pay alimony or something else. Your reputation could have suffered and I couldn't let that happen, I wanted her gone from your life and I wanted you to be a free man as soon as possible, so I agreed to her demands. I am sorry, I should have told this to you earlier but you were already so distraught I didn't want to make you feel bad. I am sorry for yelling at you."

Yibo turned around and finally looked at Zhan, "but now you would have to see her every day! She will be close to you! I want her gone from your life as well."

"She will, she will be gone."

Yibo just looked at Zhan who said, "Yibo, unlike you I am not very forgiving, I can be very cruel when I want to me and she has crossed all limits, I am going to take revenge on her, I am going to make sure she suffers and end up alone.

I know that you are a forgiving person and you wouldn't want to take revenge and would want to move on, which is good, because that's what I want for you. I want you to heal, move on and live your best life, forget about the bad things and just focus on yourself, your growth, leave all the other things to me.

I can't let her go after she touched you, after she hurt my treasure, she has to pay."

"Fine, but I don't want you to hide things from me again, I want to know everything that you will do. I don't want to be kept in the dark."

Zhan gently caressed his face and said, "Yes sir," he then gently kissed his forehead and stared at Yibo gently and lovingly, before he finally asked, "Now that you are single... would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Yibo's heart skipped a beat and he gave a small smile to Zhan, "Yes."

Zhan smiled and engulfed Yibo in a tight hug.

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