Chapter 16.

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"Resignation?" Yibo asked.

Zhan took a seat and sat beside Yibo, "I want you to work here, and you want to work here as well, right? Then you should resign from your company and join this place. But if you don't want to, then-"

"I do; I do want to work here, this place seems nice, and you guys have a lot of resources, but my mother would not be happy."

"Why?" Zhan said.

Yibo said, "Before, my dad also asked me to look for other jobs, but my mom said that it was not good. She said that since I am good at my work, I should work for her and her company and help the family first, she also said that because I am dumb and not so smart, no other company would take my job, and I would only end up making a fool of myself."

"That's a lie." Zhan said, "Your mother is a liar, Yibo."

Yibo looked at Zhan, who said, "If you don't like to work for that company, then you have the right to leave! What your father said is absolutely right, and you might feel hurt, but I will say this: your mother loves your step-brother and stepfather more than you, so you should also love your dad and the people who care about you more than your mother!

When something is wrong, then you should say it is wrong! In this case, your mother is wrong! Tell her that she is wrong! Callum is wrong for asking you to do his work, tell him that he is wrong and say no!

Tina is wrong to raise her hand at you, tell her that she is wrong, and get away from her."

Yibo said, "I don't want to be rude."

"You are not being rude." Zhan said, "Speaking for yourself is not a rude thing to do. Your father has been fighting for you, why don't you fight for yourself? Huh?

If tomorrow someone beats me, then should I do nothing and let them do that?"

"No." Yibo said, "I don't want you to be hurt."

"I don't want you to be hurt either, Yibo." Zhan said, "I will tell you one thing, I hate cowards and doormats a lot in this world; I hate idiot people even more! Especially the people who do not raise their voice."

Yibo asked, "Then do you hate me too?"

"Do you want me to?" Zhan asked, and Yibo shook his head, so Zhan smiled and said, "Then you have to start to say the right things.

Suppose your mom and stepfather are telling you to do something that you don't want to then say no, and walk away. Look for help, call me, and do something, but don't stand idle and tolerate, the wrong things. You are getting what I am saying? I love you; your father loves you. I am sure he will come to your aid as well. All you have to do is trust yourself and never back off; I will be there behind you to support you."

"But what if they hit me," Yibo asked.

"Then hit them back with twice the strength."

"Isn't that wrong?"

"Self-defense is not a wrong thing," Zhan said.

Yibo thought for a while before he said, "You... you will really support me?"

"Yes, I will," Zhan said.

Yibo took a deep breath as he looked at the pen and paper and started to write his resignation.

Once he was done, he showed it to Zhan before he wrapped it in an envelope.

"Well done." Zhan said suddenly the door to his office was opened and Marous barged in, "Where the well was you-" he paused when he saw Yibo there.

"Oh. Hey Yibo, how are you."

"I am fine."

"Are those people still harassing you?" Marius said, "You know you can always tell, me I will teach them a good lesson."

Yibo smiled and asked, "Are you going to kidnap them and beat them too,"

Marius gasped and said, "How do you know? Don't tell anybody."

Yibo chuckled and Marius then looked at Zhan who said, "I offered him a position here."

"Oh..." Marius smiled as he kept his arm around Yibo and said, "You better say yes, we can work together then! And I assure you, no one will treat you badly here, everyone will love you and if they don't, then I can always teach them how to."

Zhan suddenly grabbed Marius's hand, removed it from Yibo's shoulder, and said, "Has your work been done?"

"Yes." Marius said with a smile, but then something crossed his mind, and he looked at Zhan and said slowly, "Did you tell Yibo about Tina and me? Should I tell him?"

Zhan thought about it before he looked at Yibo and finally decided to just tell the truth.

He looked at Marius and nodded.

Marius then spoke, "Yibo, there is something very important that I want to share with you."

"What is it?" Yibo asked.

"You know, back in Nolani, I had met a woman, and we got to know each other before we slept together."


"And that woman told me that her husband abused her, was toxic, and many other things. And that woman was none other than Tina."

Yibo was shocked to learn that, and his eyes widened, while Zhan said, "There was a misunderstanding, he was lied to. But we did get the right guy, which was you, and Tina was the one who told us about you."

Marius said, "I had told her that I would teach her 'husband'—that' s,  you a good lesson so she should send him to the back of the hotel, which she did, and we were able to get you from there, your wife knew and she wanted you to be beaten. I am really sorry, Yibo. If you want, then I can show you the proof."

Yibo took a deep breath. "isn't that cheating?"

"Yes, it is." The brothers said it together.

Yibo said, "It's wrong; why would she do that." He was then reminded of the time she constantly berated and badmouthed her, and then he realized that Tina hated him so much.

Marius then said, "I haven't told her about my identity and gave her a fake name; don't tell her that you met me or know me. That's better."

"Alright," Yibo said but there were still a lot of things that were going on in his mind

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