Chapter 22.

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"Here you go with your coffee." Mary said as she gave Yibo his coffee, and he looked at her gratefully, "Thank you."

"And Zhan, you better take your medications on time, and I have also packed some snacks for you and lunch as well. Don't eat anything from outside and come home early."

"Yeah, yeah Mom sure.' Zhan said as he interacted with his mother, who pinched his cheek, "I don't want any careless behavior."

Zhan grabbed her hand and removed it from his cheeks, "Mom, come on, stop pulling my cheeks. I heard you I will take care of myself." His mother always had this habit of pulling his cheeks, and although he never minded, he didn't want her to pull his cheeks in front of Yibo.

Guess it was from his mother that he learned the habit of pulling Yibo's cheeks. Yibo looked at the mother and son duo and smiled.

"Your mom loves you so much." Yibo said as he walked out with Zhan, "She is so friendly with you." They were currently in Zhan's Garden, taking a walk.

Zhan smiled when he heard that, "My mom had always been like that, a friendly and jolly person, but god forbid if she ever got angry, I would never hear the end of it, hence I try to never cross her."

Yibo smiled and said in a small voice, "I wish my mother loved me too."

Zhan said nothing; he just gently patted his head before he gently grabbed Yibo's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"You still have your father, right? He loves you so much, right?"


"How would you feel if your mother started behaving with your father just like how Tina behaves with you? What if she started to hit your father just like how Tina hits you."

"I wouldn't like that," Yibo said as he frowned. Just the thought that his father would suffer like him, made his heart clench. "That would be wrong, and I can't take that."

"Then why do you think that Tina treating you like that is right?" Zhan said, "Yibo, what Tina is doing is absolutely wrong, she is abusing you, she is an abuser, and you don't have to tolerate any of that. She is a cheater, a liar, and a toxic person, and you have to shield yourself from such a person.

I am not asking you to raise your hand at her, but if you can't handle any situation yourself, you can ask someone for help. Before,  you might not have anyone, but now you have me."

Yibo looked at Zhan, who said, "No matter what, I will always be by your side and support you. All you have to do is trust me and give me a call.

You don't have to be scared of anyone anymore, speak up for whatever comes to mind and leave the rest to me.

Yibo, you are precious to me, and I don't want to see you hurt. I don't want to see bruises on your body. It hurts me, and it's painful to see you like that. How would you feel if your father were in your position? Never let her lay hands on you again."

Yibo was suddenly reminded of the time when Zhan had told him that he hated doormats and idiots, and suddenly Yibo felt the need to prove himself and be stronger so that he would not hated by Zhan at least.

"I understand, Zhan." Yibo said, before he smiled, "I will remember what you have said to me."

Zhan nodded, "Perfect."


Tina was worried. She was very worried as she sat on the chair in her office, her leg was shaking up and down and she was biting on her nail as she thought about what had happened last night.

The man who had entered her house was none other than Xiao Zhan, 'The' Xiao Zhan, the person that she wanted to get in touch with, and their first encounter was not good.

The way he looked at her still gave her goosebumps, he looked so angry and disgusted, and there was so much hatred in his eyes for her, which made her so scared, and he also saw the condition of the house, the mess that she had caused.

He came here just for that fool, that retard, and took him with him.

Because of that retard her chances to establish good relations with Xiao Zhan were ruined, now he wouldn't even glance in her direction! That was awful to think about!

She was so angry!

Why that fool! Why that retard!

She was not a fool to not notice that there was something odd about Zhan's behavior; were they just normal friends? Would Xiao Zhan really go this far for a friend? Yibo has to be a very good friend to Zhan for him to come to their apartment himself and take action, the way he grabbed Yibo's hand and dragged him out proved how much he cared about Yibo.

Zhan also had Callum fired because of Yibo, Tina seriously underestimated their relationship.

Steve had told her that Mr Xiao's brother had clearly told them that Yibo was one of them and if they hurt Yibo then they are asking for trouble, Callum was already an example and now she was worried that she might be in trouble.

Looks like she needed to change her game, she needed to contact Yibo and convince him to talk to Zhan.

She needed to talk to Yibo, which she will do after she goes home today.

Unexpected Refuge.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora