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Subhadra look back and found"karna ".

Subhadra goes near him and take his blessings and said" Bharta you here".

Karna said"yes I came to meet abhira ".

Subhadra smiled and said" Abhira look who has came to meet you dear".

Abhira came and look up at karna and said"pranipat mamashree ".

Karna picked her in and said" She is like you subhadra ".

Subhadra smiled.

When abhimanyu came and hug Karna and said" How are you mamashree".

Karna said"I am fine abhi what about you dear you have grown up I still remember you use to practice archery with subhadra and arjun".

Abhi said"mamashree sorry to say but please dont take rajkumaar arjun name in front of me ".

Karna look at subhadra she was look at abhi sadly.

Karna keep abhira down and knelted down and held abhimanyu shoulder and ask" Why what happen".

Abhi said"nothing just thing is he didn't care for me my mata and my sister that why I hate him".saying this he was about to leave when Karna said"ok leave it abhi I came hear to give you and abhira archery knowledge and also many weapon can I ".

Abhi smiled and said" Yes mamashree looked at abhira and said"let's go abhira ".

Abhira noddes and trio left to practice arena.

In forest:

Arjun was meditating .draupadi and other were busy in there own work.

Suddenly he remember a moment with subhadra.


Arjun was in court room with his brother he was missing subhadra it has been long day he didn't meet her.

Yuddister said"Arjun are you listening Arjun arjun".

Arjun came in real life and aaid"yes priya...... But stop realizing what he was about to say and continued "yes maharaj ".

Nakul said" Maharaj I think senapati Arjun is in dreamland".he received a glare from him.

Draupadi was fuming in anger because she hear him saying priya arjin always call subhadra priya.

Yuddister ask"are you ok senapati arjun".

Arjun though it's good time to give and fake excuse.

Arjun said"actually maharaj I am feel little sick my head is aching can I have some rest can we discuss tomorrow ".

Nakul said" Senapati Arjun is it headache or heartache ".

Arjun glared at him.

Bheem said" Nakul".

Yuddister said"it's ok Arjun you can go and take rest ".

Arjun nodded and left the court and take large step towards his chamber.

As soon as he entered lotus smell of his beloved wife caught his nose. He sees subhadra is making bed ready.

He goes inside he forgot to close door and move towards subhadra and back hug her . Subhadra said"oh arya to you came earlier you always use to come at midnight after finishing you all duties ".

Arjun said" Yes I know but how can I forgot that my beloved wife must be waiting for me thats why I made a excuse and came to her and can you please hide me in your arms forever " Saying this he hug her and keep his face on her shoulder and subhadra blushed and hug him back.

After breaking hug arjun cuppes her face and was about to kiss her when a voice came "mata".

They both look back abhimanyu was standing with his lion cub toy standing with a smile.

Subhadra pick him and said"abhi now keep little cub toys aside and sleep".

Subhadra placed abhimanyu on bed she slept on right side and Arjun on left and abhi in middle. Arjun caress abhi head and subhadra was telling him story soon abhi sleep. Subhadra make him sleep on his small bed which is design by nakul and herself.

Arjun caressed abhi head and pick subhadra in his arms and made her laid on bed and take her palm in his hand and said" I take out time to spend with you but see it's the same time when I use to return after doing duties ".

Subhadra keep her delicate palm on his cheecks and said" No arya you enjoyed that time which you never did you today make abhi sleep which I use to everyday today abhi must also happy that he is in middle and one side mata and one side pitha .

Arjun pecked her forehead and said"whenever I came to spend time with you my heart feel with happiness ".

Subhadra smiled. Arjun kiss her lips and they spend a romantic night. "

Flashback end.

Arjun eyes were close but he was smiling. Nakul smiled mischievously and said"bharta Arjun are you thinking about someone ".

Arjun open his eyes and said" Why do you feel so".

Nakul said"you smile is make me think so is she subhadra ".

Arjun look at other side and said" I am elder brother of you so behave nakul ".

Bheem came and said" An I am your elder brother tell me is my beautiful (nakul)is right".

Arjun get up and said"you too bharta".and walk out from there. Draupadi noticed everything.

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