chapter14~the Truth♥

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After lunch krishna rukmini left but pradyumna and vatsala didn't go with them as they want to stay with abhi and abhira.

Yuddishter said"as abhimanyu has won the kalapradhan he will be yuvraj ".

Bheem said" But jyest the promise we gave yo panchali".

Yuddishter said"bheem we promise draupadi that her elder son will sit on king throne so we can make abhi yuvraj".

All five pandavas nodded.

In draupadi chamber ;

Droupadi ask " why did you choose sword Instead of bow".

Shrutakarma said"because he was excellent in bow ".

Draupadi said" Ok but why did you get lose then".

Then to escape he says"abimanyu said that ur mother and father are impure so thatI lost my concentration".

Draupadi said" What how dare he I will definitely tell arya arjun to give a hard punishment ".and draupadi left. Shrutakarma smirked.

Draupadi goes towards pandavas common chamber and said with tears " Aryaputro".

All became tensed they goes near her and ask"what happened ".

Draupadi said what shrutakarma said her by adding fuel".

they are very angry on abhimanyu.

Arjun with anger" Today he has cross all the limit I am telling you jyest bharta today don't stop me".

Yudhishthir nodded. Arjun called ask maid to call Abhimanyu in main hall.

Maid goes from there. Till the time everyone gather in main hall except subhadra as she was in pooja room which was little away from main hall, pradyumna he was with abhi, abhira she was with vatsala.

In garden:

Abhi was ahoot arrow in anger shrutakarma ill word were coming in his head again and again.

Pradyumna ask him what happen but he didn't say anything suddenly a maid came a said"senapati Arjun has ask you presence in main hall now it self".

Abhi though "why he want to meet me".

Abhi nodded and left to main hall. Pradyumna feel something fishy he goes to search subhadra.

In main hall:

Abhi reach at main hall to look everyone were present but his mother was not there he start to feel uncomfortable. He stand in front of Arjun.

Arjun asked him "did you said draupadi impure".

abimanyu looks at draupadi and shrutakarma he understood it there plan he didn't have any choice if he say truth then his mother have to face insult so it's better to bear own humiliation except his mother and says yess .

Arjun anger reach in peak he slaps
him tighty abhi hold his hand on the cheek where he slap whole family where shock what just happened .duryodhan and karna move a step forward bit was stopped by Arjun he show his hand to them.

abhira and vatsala has came abhira goes near her brother and hold his cheeks which has become red .abhi stand like a stone he whip his tears.he was broken from inside in multiple peices. Vatsala feel bad for him she immediately goes to her chamber and send a letter to balram tell him to come urgently at hastinapur. And she again goes to main hall.

Pradhyumna came at pooja room and tell subhadra that Arjun has called abhi urgently at main hall.

Subhadra said but why.

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