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Hi friends ♥️ new chapter! Yay!

Sooo as we saw, Joshie finally told them about alllll of the stuff that happened in his past relationship and ty got a liiiiittle bit angry 👀🥺 and soooo this chapter is the ~aftermath~ of the conversation 😌 de they're sweet and this is a nice chapter 🥺

Please enjoy, thank you for reading! I'll see you Monday at the next one, all my love! ♥️ quite a long one this time!

Word count: 4147


"Here you go, my sweeties", Lucas said as he handed a cup of hot cocoa to Josh as well as Tyler, as they sat on their couch after everything had calmed down and all four of them had talked about what happened to Josh. They talked about the situation that happened and how awful it was, how glad they were that it was over, how much they hated the guy's guts, and also about how Tyler reacted. Now, Josh and Tyler were cuddled up to each other, blanket spread across both laps, as they watched Steve sweep up the broken pieces of glass on the balcony.

"Thanks mom", Tyler joked with a soft smile as he accepted the cup. Lucas let out a laugh. "You're calling me the mom friend of the group?" He asked. Tyler hummed with a nod. Lucas smiled. "I'll take that."

"Thank you for- for this", Josh smiled softly at Lucas. "Of course baby, you're welcome", Lucas told him. He gently ruffled his curls a little. "You deserve all the love and care in the world." That made Josh blush softly.

Lucas then walked to Steve to help him clean up the last few shards, because he wanted to avoid Snickers or any of them stepping into them.

Tyler looked at how his soulmates were once again cleaning up his mess - literally this time - and he felt guilty for reacting the way he did. He just felt so much anger when he learned that Josh had been in such a horrendous relationship that he never deserved. He deserved to be treated so much better, he deserved to be loved so much more and genuinely. What Josh's ex-boyfriend did to him, no one deserved. But certainly not Josh.

"I'm sorry for scaring you", Tyler softly said again, moving even closer to Josh - though there wasn't much room left. "I really shouldn't have... shouldn't have thrown that", he muttered. "I... sometimes I don't- I just don't know how to control myself, how to control that anger... and knowing this dude treated you so horrendously, it just made me livid. I- I'm sorry", he said. "And also... for- for not letting you explain, for telling you I didn't wanna know... for getting angry and upset about that teeny tiny lie in the first place. I... I should've never done that", Tyler said.

"I-it's okay", Josh said. "Sometimes it's hard to... to control what you feel. I can take a lot of things but at some point it gets too much and then the tiniest thing will upset me to no end, even though it's pathetic", he said. "So I... I get it, I don't want you to worry about that anymore okay", he said. "And I'm not scared of you, you didn't scare me", Josh assured him. "I just... didn't expect it, I didn't see it coming and it happened so fast and that just... kind of shocked me", he said. "But I'm not scared of you okay? I don't think you're going to hurt me whether that's purposefully or accidentally. I don't fear that, my safety, at all with you. I promise", Josh said as he looked into Tyler's eyes.

Tyler hadn't noticed he'd been holding his breath, but then he let out a soft sigh of relief. He pressed a kiss atop of Josh's hair. "That makes me so relieved", he said softly. "I'm so glad I got you back J, I was being a total asshole", Tyler sighed softly. He was beating himself up mentally because of it.

"Shh, it's okay, let's just leave that in the past okay? We're not gonna think about that anymore", Josh said as he gently rested his hand on Tyler's. "We're okay again, that's all that matters", he said with a soft smile. Tyler couldn't help but smile softly at that too. He nodded. "Okay."

Let's Recelebrate - Book 2 (a Joshler story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang