♡ CCIV ♡

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Hi friends! New week, new chapter! Yay! Excited for you to read this one, I really loved writing this one! I think it'd really wholesome and cute and I hope you enjoy it 🥺

Would love to hear your thoughts and see your votes on this one! I'll be back Wednesday & then I think I'll upload an extra one on Thursday 👀 thank you for being here, means the world, please do enjoy ♥️ quite a long one, I hope you'll like it! All my love!

Word count: 4119


They closed up, hugged each other good night, and went to their bedrooms. Josh and Tyler got ready in the bathroom and then they got in bed.

As they had said good night, laying close to each other, Josh's thoughts were moving fast while Tyler's were straight up racing. He couldn't sleep, he didn't feel tired, and he really didn't wanna stay there and wait for his eyes to close automatically for three hours.



"Are you tired?" Tyler asked. "Uhm... not really, honestly", Josh replied. "I... can't really sleep." "Me neither", Tyler replied as he rolled on to his side and so did Josh, to face him. They looked into each other's eyes for a moment, the dimly moonlit room making it harder to see each other's features.

"...wanna get up?" Tyler asked. "Wh- what do you mean?" Josh asked. "Get out of bed? Maybe talk a bit more, sit on the balcony or inside... have some snacks that we bought", Tyler said. "...but- but what about the sleeping? We already said we'd go to bed" Josh asked. "If we don't wanna sleep yet, we just... don't", Tyler said. "We're not kids, we can do what we want", he said with a soft chuckle that made Josh blush. "Wanna do it?" He asked Josh.

Josh thought about it. While he really wanted to cuddle Tyler, he wasn't tired at all yet. He'd really appreciate some more time with Tyler too, and this was probably the perfect opportunity.

"Let's do it", Josh said. "Perfect", Tyler grinned. He got out of bed first, putting some jeans that he had been wearing earlier on, Josh was wearing sweatpants - including a shirt, that Tyler was lacking. He didn't put one on either as he opened the door. Josh followed him out and Tyler flicked on the cozy lights in the living room and kitchen.

"Didn't we buy brownie mix?" Tyler asked. "You wanna make brownies?" Josh chuckled as he followed Tyler to the kitchen. "I mean, I'm kind of craving them", he said as he walked around the island, while Josh stayed on the other side. He smiled at Josh. "Are you up for some late night baking?"

"I- sure, why not", Josh chuckled. Tyler jumped happily. "Awesome! Okay let me grab the brownie mix", he said as he rummaged through the cupboards, then he found where Lucas had put it.

"Here it is. Think we only need to add water", he said. "Water? Don't we have milk?" Josh asked as he reached for the box, and Tyler handed it to him. "We probably do... I'll check", Tyler said. "Why not just water?"

"Milk makes them taste richer, more gooey", Josh said as he looked at the back of the brownie mix. "Huh. It indeed says water. If we got milk, I say we substitute for that", he said. "Well, we're in luck. We got milk", Tyler said as he grabbed the carton. He opened it, sniffed, then poured a little bit in to the sink to check if the milk was still okay and not spoiled. "Seems fine to me", he said. "I'll taste", Josh said. Josh put a little bit in a glass, then handed it to Josh.

"...yeah, tastes fine too", Josh replied. "Perfect. Uhm... we probably need a bowl", he said. "I think we do, yeah", Josh chuckled and Tyler let out a laugh. He found a mixing bowl. "C'mere", Tyler said, so Josh got up off the bar stool and he walked around the island to Tyler's side. "You seem to be the king of baking around here, so I'll let you take the lead on this", he said. "I'm not that great at baking", Josh chuckled. "But I suck at it, so to me you are great at baking", Tyler smiled at him. Josh felt his stomach flutter, and he let out a soft sigh. Gosh, he was so in love with Tyler, it was messing him up. He cleared his throat.

Let's Recelebrate - Book 2 (a Joshler story)Where stories live. Discover now