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Hi friends! Sorry that I'm a bit late but it's still monday so yay new update! I would love to hear your thoughts on this one. The end of Joshie's trip to Detroit is getting closer and closer ahhh I am not ready for Joshie to leave but I'm also sooo ready for what's next haha. I can't wait to write out all of the ideas that I have for what's next!

Thank you so much for being here!! If you could leave a like I'd appreciate that so much, and if you could leave a comment letting me know what your thoughts are on this chapter I'd love that so much too <3 thank you for all of your support, it means the world. Please enjoy this chapter <3 quite a long one!

Word count: 4154


"Did you sleep okay?" Tyler asked Josh, as only the two of them were still left in Steve's bed. "Yeah", Josh smiled. "A bit... weird", he said with a blush. "Weird?" Tyler asked. "I mean... not every day I wake up between three grown ass adult men in one bed who I've only been spending time with for about a week", Josh said.

Tyler let out a laugh. "Yeah that doesn't happen every day huh", he chuckled. "Nope", Josh giggled. It made Tyler smile. "I know you're kinky but I indeed didn't think you'd be that kinky", he teased, and it made Josh blush as he buried his face in his hands. "Oh stop", he muttered. It made Tyler laugh gently as he wrapped his arms around Josh and he hugged him tightly. "I'm teasing", he said. "I know", Josh smiled as he rested his head against Tyler's chest.

"There was nothing sexual about this", Josh stated. "You're absolutely right. There wasn't", Tyler agreed. "I was just joking." "Yeah, you're good", Josh smiled. "Sorry if my jokes are... dumb, or... inappropriate", Tyler said. "They're not, they're funny", Josh said. "They just make me blush", he said, blushing again as he averted his gaze. "Oh but I like blushy Joshie", Tyler hummed as he kissed his temple. "Blusy Joshie's a cutie."

"That's making me blush much more", Josh replied.

"Ah boo, how unfortunate", Tyler teased with a smile. "Oh shut up", Josh giggled as he pushed against Tyler's chest playfully, but Tyler didn't let go. "Nah, never", he smiled as he tickled Josh, whose eyes widened and he started flailing his arms around. "No! No, no stop! Stop! Don't!" He was giggling and flailing all over the place, making Tyler laugh. "Have mercy!" Josh exclaimed. "Neveeeer!" Tyler said as he laughed, Josh writhing and squirming on the bed, while Tyler was now kind of hovering over Josh, as he was on his knees beside him, to tickle Josh even more.

"Truce, truce!" Josh was giggling. "Neeeeveeeeeer", Tyler replied again, continuing the tickling as he laughed happily at how Josh's giggles sounded in his ears and how cutely the boy was squirming around trying to escape the tickles. "I- you're killing me! You're torturing me! You're gonna make me dieee!" Josh gasped in between giggles. "Ceasefireee!" he exclaimed. "Please stop, Ty, stop!" He giggled. "Nooo, I love you!" Tyler replied, and right at that, he felt Josh tense up, and Tyler stopped the tickling. Josh looked up at him, then he sat up. "Uh w-what?" Josh muttered, creating some space between him and Tyler. Tyler frowned. "...what?" He asked. "...not the first time I told you that right?" he said as he tilted his head a bit.

Josh cleared his throat as he averted his gaze. "Uhm, no I- I guess not, you're- you're right, sorry", Josh said. "Uhm... I- uh", he stammered, then he was getting up from the bed. Tyler felt himself reach out to keep Josh there, but he stopped himself from grabbing Josh's arm so pathetically. "I uh- I need to go to the bathroom", Josh said as he walked out the room, leaving Tyler on the bed.

Tyler slumped a little. The smile on his face was gone, and he felt the frown on his forehead hurt his head. What just happened? Tyler told him he loved him many times already. Why did Josh suddenly respond like that? And it wasn't different from the times he said it before... why did Josh reply like that?

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