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Hi friends! Wednesday update is here! I'm trying so hard to keep up with these chapters and finish them as soon as possible haha. I notice how I let go of having to write 5k chapters several months ago and going to smaller ones, but now I find myself always forcing to write at least 3k chapters or more. I wanna try and see if I can also allow myself to do 2,5k instead just so I can upload even more and easier and faster too. What do you think? Is 3k the minimum or would you be okay with 2,5k chapters once in a while too? Let me know!

Thank you for being here and being excited about this story and the future of it! I'm so excited to show you this chapter haha. I had so much fun writing this one, you'll see why!

If you can leave a vote to let me know you've read the chapter and enjoyed it, I'd appreciate that so so much!! I truly hope you're still in love with this story as much as I am! Excited for what's gonna happen soon!

Please enjoy this chapter! I'd love to hear whether you'd be okay with 2,5k chapters too like I asked at the top of this chapter. Please do let me know, I'd appreciate it so much <3

Enjoy this chapter!

Word count: 3428


"Since today's sunny again, and quite warm... I don't wanna sit here inside all day", Lucas said. "I need to enjoy the sun."

"We can go on to lake saint Clair and pretend it's summer already?" Steve suggested. "Oooh yes!! I haven't been on your boat in so long", Lucas said excitedly. "Wait you have a boat?!" Josh asked surprised. "Yeah! Nothing major, it's a smaller motor boat. Got room for lying down and sunbathing in the front and it's got this u-shaped couch in the back with a table. Other than that just the steering part of the boat, that's it", Steve said.

"Ahh, 'that's it', the owner of a luxury motor boat says", Josh chuckled. "Oh hush", Steve laughed as he threw his crumpled up napkin into Josh's direction. Josh giggled, and Tyler hated it.

He didn't hate Josh, he didn't hate hearing his giggle, not at all. But Jesus, something was frustrating him so much, he didn't even know why or how. Everything that they said or did was making Tyler's blood boil and was irritating him beyond measure.

"You've been awfully quiet", Lucas said to Tyler. His eyes flicked to look at Lucas, no other body part moving. "What is it?" Tyler asked. "...Do you wanna go on to the lake too? With Steve's boat?" Lucas asked. Tyler took a drag from his cigarette. "Yeah, fine, whatever", he said. Lucas frowned. "...what's going on with you?" He asked. "Nothing", Tyler simply said. That was all he said. "...then why are you being rude?" Lucas asked. "I'm not", Tyler replied. "I just don't really care. You guys wanna go on to the lake? Fine, let's go", Tyler said as he got up and walked on to the balcony.

Josh felt like his heart stopped beating as he heard Tyler, and he didn't like it one bit. He didn't know what caused the sudden change in Tyler's behavior.

"...well, at least three out of four of us are excited", Steve said. "Let's go grab our stuff." "Yeah let's not let our last full day with Josh get ruined", Lucas said as he got up, and obviously that was meant for Tyler even though he didn't say it to his face. Tyler heard it, and he felt his heart sting.

"C'mon j, you can borrow one of my swim shorts", Steve said as he lead Josh upstairs.

Lucas, of course wanting to figure out what was up, came outside on to the balcony as well. "Why are you being such an ass, Ty?" He asked. "It's Josh's last full day with us. Are you really gonna ruin that for everyone? We actually wanna enjoy today, whether you want to or not. You can be grumpy and rude and mean all you want but don't ruin Josh's and our day and don't take it out on us", Lucas said. "What do you want? You wanna sit here and mope around and be on your own all day or do you actually wanna join us and have fun and not miss out on our last full day with Josh? Choice is yours, we'll be going anyways, with or without you", he said.

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