♡ CCXV ♡

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Hello friends!

Presale was a shitshow yesterday 🫶🏻 lol it was the worst. Was planning on 4 shows, didn't get any tickets bc ticketmaster said I was a bot, then I THOUGHT I had tickets to a show I wanted to go to but I bought tickets TO THE WRONG SHOW IN A DIFFERENT COUNTRY !!! Luckily I then was able to also get tickets to the other show I wanted AND today I was able to get tickets to another show through another presale. Still need to try for 2 more shows tomorrow 🤞🏻🤞🏻 meeting my fingers crossed that it'll all work out and I can get the ones I really want! ♥️

How did it go for you guys? Did you get the tickets you wanted? Let me know!!

Also I just re-read chapter 17 of this story (first book) where ty and lucas are arguing because tyler is not communicating and lucas is sacrificing so much for ty in their relationship and it's so fucking sad and i made myself cry LMAO reading parts of this story back, some moments are so fucking sad

Aaaaanyways, let's dive into this chapter! I hope you'll enjoy! Sorry for leaving you guys with that cliffhanger last chapter haha. I hope I'll make up for it!!

Would looove to hear what you think of this chapter and I really hope you'll enjoy. Sorry for one less chapter this week but I'll try to do three chapters again next week!!

Thank you for being here & please don't forget to leave a like when you can ♥️ quite a long chapter, please enjoy ♥️

Word count: 4124


"No. No! No, no you can't. You can't! You can't", Tyler started rambling. "You can't leave tomorrow night, why- what- why are you- what do you mean? You're not leaving tomorrow night, not really right? What d'you mean you're leaving tomorrow? Josh what d'you mean, tell me, what does that mean", Tyler was panicking. "Please J, what the fuck do you mean you're leaving tomorrow night", he pressed.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't- I didn't know how to tell you that I- I have to leave tomorrow", Josh said. "I just- I can't stay, I have to go back", he said. "No no, no Josh, no, stop fucking with me J, stop messing with me", Tyler said. "I- I'm not Ty, I wouldn't", Josh told him. "My ticket, my plane ticket, the last day it's valid is tomorrow. The last flight I can use it on is the one from tomorrow night", Josh said. "Wh- no, no I can't do that", tyler shook his head, and he was truly panicking. He felt his eyes sting and he hated how weak he looked when a tear escaped but he couldn't help it. "please stay, please", Tyler begged, his voice cracking. "I- I'm not prepared to let you go, I- I can't lose you, don't go, please, not yet, I need- I- I need one more day, one more day, I can't just- I can't just let you go Josh I need you to stay one more day", Tyler begged.

"But Ty I- I can't, I can't use the plane ticket after tomorrow night and I don't have enough to get a new plane ticket. I- I have no other choice", Josh said, his heart hurting so bad and there were tears on his cheeks now too as he saw Tyler genuinely crying.

"Let me get you another ticket, I'll pay, I don't mind, let me do that", Tyler said. "Let me have you for one more day, please, please don't leave", Tyler sniffled. "N-no, no Ty I do mind, I can't let you do that", Josh said. "I- I just bought you the game as a gift to give something back to you... and now you wanna pay a plane ticket that's ten times as much for me? I can't let you do that Ty", Josh said as he wiped his cheeks. "I can't do that baby", he said softly.

"Please Josh", Tyler cried. "Please don't leave me yet, I need you, at least one more day. I need to- to prepare, to brace myself for when- for when you're leaving, I- I can't just let you leave like that and- and- and be okay", he sniffled. "I'll do anything to- to have you here one more day, please Joshua", Tyler cried. "I need you, one more day", he pleaded. "Please."

Let's Recelebrate - Book 2 (a Joshler story)Where stories live. Discover now