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Hi friends, new chapter! Been busy this week but also busy writing and I loooove writing so much haha.

Thank you for all of your concern btw, definitely not burned out bc of this story 🫶🏻 just trying to do it justice and write as much as I can. Thank you though, good to know most of you would be cool with 2,5k chapters too! I don't know if I'll do it btw, bc the next several are all 3k+, but maybe in the future there'll be some!
BACKSLIDE IS SO GOOD BTW. LIKE DAMN. it might be my fave so far. THE VIDEO. THE SYMBOLISM. THE METAPHORS. THE GAY FLAG IN THE BACKGROUND. I love it so much lol 😭 I'm obsessed. What do you guys think??? I loveeee it!

Please enjoy this chapter! Thank you for being here ♥️ means the world to me! Hope you like this one, if you can please leave a like or let me know your thoughts 🫶🏻

Word count: 3484


"By the way..." Tyler trailed. "I wouldn't have had an issue with you and Steve dating if it was true... I mean, my soulmates being together, of course I'd support that", Tyler said. Josh's heart stopped at Tyler's use of the plural word soulmates when addressing him and Steve, but Tyler continued without mentioning it. "...just not behind my back y'know?"

Josh wondered if Tyler even realized he said that. If Tyler realized he said soulmates. But also him saying he would absolutely support Steve and him if they'd be dating... not that that was a bad thing, but damn, he wants to date Tyler, not Steve. Josh had to start accepting that that just was not gonna happen.

"I- I get that", Josh replied. "But we really definitely are not", he blushed. Tyler smiled softly. "Okay", he said. "I uh... I'm sorry for being dramatic and dumb", Tyler said. Josh let out a giggle. "You're making things more interesting", he said. Tyler let out a laugh as he rolled his eyes. "Don't know if I should be happy with that reputation", he chuckled.

"Are you okay Ty?" Steve asked worriedly as he came up to them and crouched down next to Tyler. "Eh, yeah, I am", Tyler said. "Cold as hell but fine", he said. "Why the hell did you think jumping in the lake was a good idea, Ty", Steve sighed softly as he pressed a kiss against Tyler's temple, feeling the coldness of his head and his legs. "Because you were being mean to me", Tyler said. Steve frowned. "What? What did I do?" He asked confusedly. "You did nothing", Tyler said as he grabbed Steve's hand. "You did nothing wrong, I just... made something up in my head and convinced myself of that and then hated you for a little bit", Tyler said. "Mhm, and what did I do in your head?" Steve asked as he sat down. "Just..." Tyler trailed, then he shook his head no. "Never mind. Maybe I'll tell you later. I just... don't hate you anymore", Tyler said with a soft laugh. "I love you loads. Sorry for being dumb."

"Mhm well I'm glad you love me 'cause I love you too", Steve smiled. "And I'm glad that whatever I did in your mind, I was able to un-do and fix", he said and Tyler let out a laugh. "I guess it was me self-sabotaging again... I really don't wanna do that", he then said after a while with a soft sigh. "Don't wanna ruin Josh's last day... don't wanna regret today, I'm trying to be better", Tyler said. "You're a good person Ty, and the day isn't nearly over yet. You're okay", Steve told him. "Yeah, nothing's ruined", Josh said, and that made Tyler smile too. "Thanks guys", he sighed softly. "For putting up with me."

"We'll always be doing that", Steve smiled as he gave Tyler a tight hug. "You're still freezing. Go lay in the sun with Joshie, keep your feet and hands warm and let the sun warm you back up okay?" Steve said. "Aye-aye sir", Tyler said. Steve kissed his cheek and he got up, going back to Lucas.

"And? What did he say?" He asked. "He was self-sabotaging, making something up in his mind that I did that he didn't like... something that I haven't done, he said", Steve told Lucas as he wrapped his arm around him. "Don't know what it is that he made up, but... it seems to be fine now, so I'm gonna leave it at that. Don't want to make it worse for him or Josh again", Steve said. "Well I'm glad he got over that", Lucas said. "I was kind of annoyed with him, not gonna lie. I'm sure he felt that too", he said. "Oh I think he did", Steve hummed in agreement. "But he also doesn't wanna ruin his last full day with Josh and he doesn't want to regret it, so... I think the rest of the day should be going just fine", he said. "I think so too", Lucas smiled. "Glad we got that out of the way."

Let's Recelebrate - Book 2 (a Joshler story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ