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Hi friends! Sorry there was to update yesterday but I was visiting family and it was busy and also I don't have a whole lot of chapters lined up rn so I'm doing 2 chapters this week ♥️ one today and the other one Thursday! I hope you had a good weekend and I hope you're all excited to get the tickets you wanna get for the TOP shows tomorrow (or today if it's US) and good luck to everyone during the presale!!

Truly hope you'll enjoy this chapter 'cause I know I enjoyed writing it ♥️ really love this story so much and the characters even more & im so grateful for all of you still being here.

Would love to see your votes and comments on this chapter and I will see you again soon ♥️ chapter is quite a long one! Enjoy 🫶🏻

Word count: 4324


The morning after their board game night, they again woke up cuddled up in each other's arms in bed, and Josh was being confronted with the fact that he was gonna lose this in 2 days. He'd be waking up in sweaty LA on his own every time, without Tyler in his arms, without being in Tyler's arms, without hearing his raspy morning voice, telling Josh good morning and kissing his temple. He would be waking up to his alarm instead, having to work, and to live in LA with his family again, something he wasn't really looking forward to.

He loved his family, truly did. But six people in one house, especially now that they were all older and either late teens, young adults or older adults, it wasn't great.

Waking up that day felt kind of bittersweet and Josh wished he wouldn't have to get out of bed, but they had to. They had breakfast together with the others outside on the balcony.

"So what's our plan today?" Tyler asked. "Steve and I are going to his house", Lucas said as he sipped his coffee. "Steve's meeting up with the guys to work in the studio. I'm going with him so I can get some work done in the other part of the house. You and J will have the place to yourself", he said. "Dinner too, if that's okay. I think we'll be back late."

"Oh, I didn't know", Tyler said. "But yeah, of course, definitely okay. We'll find something fun to do", he smiled. "Right?" He asked Josh. "Yeah for sure", he smiled as he nodded. "Alright, great! We'll need to leave soon 'cause the guys will be at my house pretty soon", Steve said.

Tyler and Josh were the ones to clean up for breakfast now as Steve and Lucas were getting ready to leave.

"Alright we'll see you tonight. Take care of our Joshie 'Kay?" Steve told Tyler, and it made Josh blush. "I will, promise", Tyler told him as they gave each other a hug.

"You look after Ty a little bit too, yeah?" Steve smiled at Josh. "Will do", Josh blushed. They hugged each other tightly, then the others hugged each other too. "We'll see you tonight! Have fun, er... working", Tyler said. They let out a laugh. "Work is fun sometimes", Lucas chuckled. "Bye babies, see you later."

They left and it was quiet as Josh and Tyler were left on their own.

"Sooo..." Tyler trailed. "What're we gonna do?" He asked with a smile. "Uhmm... I don't know", Josh blushed. "Are we gonna stay here or..?" He asked Tyler. "We can, but... Would we do anything other than sit on the couch all day? I don't think so", he chuckled. "That can be fun too", Josh shrugged. "But something else would be good too."

"Something that won't be in a too crowded area..." Tyler trailed as he walked to the balcony and he lit a cigarette. "C'mere baby", Tyler called out, and it made Josh's heart melt as he went on to the balcony where Tyler held his arm out. Josh walked up to him and Tyler wrapped his arm around his neck, pulling him in close. Josh wrapped both arms around Tyler's waist as he rested his head on Tyler's shoulder. Tyler pressed a soft kiss on Josh's hair, then he took a drag from his cigarette.

Let's Recelebrate - Book 2 (a Joshler story)Where stories live. Discover now