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Akshita's pov

I was taking out my dress from the cupboard to wear after the shower when something dropped on the floor. My heart broke at the sight of tiny sock which I bought for my pregnancy revelation. Picking up the sock thousands of emotions coursed through me. Euphoric and forlorn memories dawned upon me.
Clutching the sock to my chest I broke into sobs and fell on the chair.

Sorry baby your parents don't deserve you.

My fingers traced the soft fabric soaking in the harsh reality that it won't be used ever. Or maybe never ?

Placing the sock on my study table I started to get up until my eyes landed on my dream. My books. My eyes flickered between the sock and books.

My dreams which got crushed by God.
God ? Or by someone particular.

I wiped the sheen layer of dust on the book evidence of my distance from them. Two most important things which held a special place in my heart but I never got a chance to use them. Both of my dreams  shattered due to a certain someone.

As I was recovering from loss of my first dream the huge storm occurred shattering my second dream sweeping away the lost stroke of my hope. Last thread of my hope, my happiness is gone.
Leaving nothing in me. A living body with a broken heart and lost soul.

I looked down at my palm now drenched with my tears which made it appearance involuntarily.

Aditya why did you entered in my life?
When you didn't wanted me ?

I am so lost in the pain that I don't have any strength left to restart the life again.
I am tired of fighting. Tired of living like this. My heart is broken into zillion pieces and I don't have strength to gather it pieces and heal it again. Even if I heal them the scar will remain forever.
Shiver rolled down my spine, I feel suffocating and vulnerable, my heart beating rapidly.  What if I lose something again ? Fear and sorrow gripped my chest. Fear of loosing something once again and sorrow of going through this pain once again.

I don't deserve happiness and there is more to come. How will survive ?

Am I that bad ?
What did I do to deserve this.

One. Breathe. Two. Exhale. I repeated the  action to make my breathing normal. Rubbing of my tears I dashed into the bathroom.

Water cascading down washing away my tears leaving my body numb. The cold water soothing my pulsating veins.

After spending a good time in the shower  I got dressed and sprint towards the kitchen. Standing beside my mother to see if she needs some help.

"You see this. I am going to your Papa to give his necessary things" she pointed at the vegetable in the pan before leaving.

My eyes fixated on the patterns of tiles which seemed so fascinating to me and continued to stare at it aimlessly.

"Akshita....Akshita" I was brought out from the reverie by my mother who was glaring at me.

"Huh--- kya hua ?" I frowned.

(What ?)

"Sabzi jal gyi hai Akshita. Yahan khadi kya kar rhi ho tum ?" I flinched at her loud voice.

( Vegetables has burnt. What are you doing standing here ?)

"Kya ?" I looked down at the vegetables which turned blackish now leaving a fowl smell in the air.

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