ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ 32

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This chapter contains violence
and self harm.

Aditya's pov

It's been 2 weeks since Akshita has shifted to Niharika's apartment leaving me all alone. She needs time and space to understand everything and I am no one to stop her from that. If this separation will give me forgiveness from her then I will wait for her till my last breath. In the end I know this wait will be worth for me. But how do I get rid of this restless feeling and loneliness that ate away my insides. I don't know to deal with it.

She is my peace.

This year has been a piece of shit for me. It's the second time she left me. First she planned to stay at her parents for days then her miscarriage and now this.
Feels like I am tasting my own medicine.
Punishment for leaving her alone during my buisness trips which were actually a trip for the search of my blackmailers.

I still remember how she dropped the idea of taking a break few days back.


"What do you mean ? Chod dijiye mujhe ?"
I was not sure about what I heard.

"I need a break Aditya. I am not able to understand anything. I don't want you to suffer more unnecessarily neither can I forgive you easily. I don't want to hurt you in my anger which will eventually hurt me too. So I need time to deal with everything" tension lined her forehead evident of her worries.

"You can hurt me as much as you want. I won't feel anything and I am not even asking you to forgive me easily. But please don't say this. I can't live without you" I held her hand more tightly as if she would disappear.

"I am not leaving you forever. Just for some days can I stay alone ? Earlier you,  used to ask me for space and I gave you. Don't I deserve my needed space now ? If you can survive without me for weeks then what's the problem"

"Akshita I know how I used to survive those weeks without you that's why I am saying it. I can't stay away from you"

"You said you can do anything for my forgiveness then why are you backing off now. I want time and space. And I promise I won't leave you forever" desperation weighed her voice.

"Okay if that's what makes you happy. I will wait for you and your forgiveness. But don't give up on me or else I'll give up on my life"

Sighing I strolled outside my home and took an auto rickshaw from the main road.

The rickshaw stopped in front of a building that's Akshita's coaching institute. Her school has been closed for now and she is preparing for civil service. I glanced at my watch to make sure I was on time. I have been coming here from two weeks just to get a glimpse of her. To make sure she was doing well.

My phone pinged and I peeped in my phone to read. Delivered.

Never have I thought I would be sitting in an auto rickshaw in this scorching heat just to get a glimpse of my favourite human.

Time passed but there was no sign of my Wife. My eyes not leaving the gate and I frowned when the bell ring closing the gate. Tension gripped me and I noticed that it was beyond the time of the coaching opening. She always reaches on time but why not today ?

Impatience curled through me and I dialled Adhyansh immediately.

"Akshita hasn't reached her coaching.  Check if she has left the apartment" I said as soon as he recieved the call.

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