Chapter: 12

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I watched with deep admiration as my mate wielded her healing powers, a gentle glow surrounding her.

I was surprised she was able to do this in the underground, not quite understanding how but was too surprised to ponder on the thought.

Luke's wolf visibly calmed, surprised by my mate's ability to soothe his.

He remained in a disheveled state, but now that I had found my mate, I finally understood him.

Impressively, the hybrid slowly revived. But my attention shifted to Natalia. My wolf instinct urged me to rush to her, sensing something wrong.

Without hesitation, I rushed to scoop her in my arms, realising she was slipping in to unconsciousness. Growling, I collected her in my arms, her body limp and burning.

"Get the pack doctor!" I bellowed, cradling my mate as I hurried to the surface, hoping fresh air would alleviate her condition.

Despite the chill outside, she continued to radiate heat, her long dark brown hair tangled around us as I focused solely on her.

Though I sensed Luke and his mate nearby, I disregarded their presence, my entire focus on my mate.

"Stay with me, baby," I urged, attempting to heal her with gentle touches, but her body remained unresponsive. "Natalia, please."

My Wolf growled within, urging me to mark her, but I resisted, knowing it would only drain her further.

I couldn't lose her when I had just found her.

Desperate, I sought solace in comforting touches, running my hands over her arms in a futile attempt to cool her fever.

When the pack doctor arrived, I stepped back to allow him access.

"She's a hybrid," he explained, and as I prepared to defend her, he continued, "Her mixed heritage causes a clash when she exerts too much energy, draining her completely."

Determined to save her, I declared, "I won't let her die. She's the Luna of this pack."

The doctor, surprise filled in his eyes, nodded after getting over the initial shock of my words.

"As her mate, you can save her," he advised. "With all due respect, Alpha, you haven't claimed her."

"I just met her," I told him, defensively, not understanding how that was of any relevance.

"I mean to say your claim will heal her," he continued.

It was what my wolf had already urged for me to do, probably connecting with our mate.

Without hesitation, I buried my face in Natalia's neck, inhaling her familiar scent. Tenderly, I let my tongue run across her skin, before I bit down gently.

I didn't want to mark her like this, but was given no other choice.

In the tense moments that followed, I feared it was too late. Holding her close, I felt her body convulse, uncertain if it was in response to my claim or her raging fever.

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