Chapter: 31

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I was stunned to know that I was chained up.

'Callum,' I called out through our mind link, but he had shut me out.

I couldn't sense him in the house, so instead of trying to locate him, I focused on breaking free from the chains.

With a surge of strength, the silver shattered into pieces on the bed. It then dawned on me that Callum had only tied me up to distract me enough to leave.

Frowning, I sprang out of bed, intent on tracking down my mate and follow him without further delay, but I became distracted when I lost balance as soon as I was on my feet.

I nearly tumbled to the floor but managed to grasp onto the bed, settling back down to try and clear the dizzy spell.

It had been a long time since I felt so disorientated, my head spinning wildly despite being seated.

My gaze fell to my wrists, where the silver restraints had been, leaving behind small red marks. I realised there had been some sort of substance on them, impacting my consciousness.

Callum knew this would incapacitate me, preventing me from following him.

It wasn't about the strength of the chains, hence they came off so easily, but the power of them.

I growled with frustration, resenting how out of control I felt. The last time I experienced such disorientation was when Noah inadvertently gave me alcohol instead of water at a party years ago.

I quickly realised alcohol didn't agree with me, even a sip would leave me intoxicated.

Seething with anger toward Callum, my wolf encouraged me to stand up, and asked for dominance.

Despite my disorientation, I resolved to leave the house, not bothering to change before shifting into my wolf form outside.

My wolf was right, I felt slightly more grounded with her help. However, I was in no position to venture beyond the pack's territory in the state that I was in.

Yet, I knew I had to get to Callum.

This was all happening because of me. He was going to the clan to confront my mother, and the blonde. I was worried about him going alone. I knew the clan and needed to be beside him.

As I tried to head towards the woods, Noah and Ivy entered my peripheral vision.

"What's wrong with you?" Noah asked, taking in my form. "Did you have alcohol?"

He knew I didn't drink, so I wasn't sure why he asking. Instead, I ignored him and continued making my way towards the trees. 

"Natalia," Ivy called. "You should probably sit down, you look like you're going to pass out."

Determined not to let anything hinder my progress, I pressed forward, acutely aware of my reduced conscious state.

Despite my attempts to reach out to Callum, he remained unresponsive, shutting me out completely.

A low snarl escaped me as I struggled to discern the path ahead, the trees appearing distorted and my surroundings blurry.

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