Chapter: 18

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The next morning, I awoke feeling pleasantly sore in all the right places, a smile tugging at my lips as I recalled the events of the previous night.

My wolf was satisfied, and so was I.

I couldn't believe we had completed the mating process, a much more pleasant experience than I had ever anticipated. I wasn't sure where my confidence had come from, but I was glad we had completed the mating. 

The only problem was that it made me want him more.

Reaching out, my hand expectedly sought Callum's warmth, only to encounter the cool touch of the bedsheets.

Frowning, I blinked open my eyes to find the bed void of his presence. He was nowhere to be found in the room.

I eyed my torn clothes strewn across the floor, realizing I needed a shower.

Deciding against using my abilities for new clothes, I rose from the bed and decided to explore Callum's room, content when I found his walk-in closet.

Navigating through his wardrobe in the nude, my fingers trailed along the array of crisp white shirts, the familiar scent of musk lingered in the air.

Rather than dressing in my usual attire, I opted to don one of his shirts. In Callum's absence, I sought to feel closer to him by enveloping myself in his clothing.

I wasn't sure where he was, but I wasn't worried. My wolf was connecting with his, he wasn't far.

I hastily grabbed a shirt from the shelf and turned to head for the shower, only to collide with a solid chest.

Strong arms enveloped me, steadying my stumble. My wolf stirred at his familiar scent. I knew he hadn't been far, but I wasn't expecting him to be so close.

"Careful," he cautioned, his voice firm. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to shower," I told him.

A flicker of amusement danced in Callum's blue eyes as they skimmed down my form, a subtle darkening that prompted me to instinctively cover myself with the shirt I had seized.

He had already seen everything anyway, but I felt shy in that moment with how his eyes were scanning every inch of my skin.

At last, his gaze returned to my face, a look of seriousness in his eyes. "Did I hurt you last night?"

Shaking my head, I assured him, "No, you didn't."

"Good," he replied, a hint of eagerness in his tone, before drawing me close against his chest. "I've got some time this morning, and I have a few ideas for things we could do before I have to leave."

My wolf stirred with anticipation, prompting me to meet Callum's gaze with equal eagerness. Now fully mated, our connection felt stronger, a visceral need to be near him permeating my senses.

I didn't resist as he lifted me and carried us to the bathroom, dropping the shirt I held in the process.

Already bare, I awaited eagerly for him to claim me, wasting no time as he trusted into me forcefully, pressing me against the tiles. The shower sprayed over us, sensing our presence, but neither of us cared.

As we made our way downstairs to the kitchen later in the late morning, Grace, an elderly member of the pack, greeted me warmly and mentioned she had prepared breakfast.

I learned that she was the one who took care of cleaning and cooking for Callum, and I couldn't help but stifle a twinge of jealousy toward the maternal figure in my mate's life.

It dawned on me then that I knew very little about Callum's family or background.

"Where are your parents?" I inquired as I finished the last of my morning meal.

My question caught Callum off guard, causing him to cough on his food, prompting me to rush to get him a glass of water.

I didn't understand why he had reacted that way to a simple question.

As I set the glass on the table, he surprised me by grabbing my wrist and pulling me onto his lap.

"Don't worry about them," he reassured me, burying his head in my neck, letting me know he didn't want to discuss the topic further. "I need to attend the training grounds today. Do you want to join me?"

Chewing my lip, uncertain of other plans, I pondered for a moment. "I want to see Ivy."

A warm smile spread across Callum's face, his gaze soft.

"Since Luke will be at the training, it might be good for the two of you to spend some time together," he agreed.

I nodded appreciatively, glad to see Callum considering Ivy as part of the pack, especially after witnessing her less-than-welcoming reception when I first arrived here.

We had just finished breakfast. Callum's arms remained firmly around me as he showered my neck with tender kisses.

"Now that I've had you, I want you all the time," he murmured, his lips lingering on my mark, sending jolts of pleasure down my spine.

"You can have me later," I assured him, aware of his need to focus on training today. "The pack relies on you to train and protect them."

As a head shifter who had dedicated their whole life to training others, I understood the consequences of even a single day's lapse in training.

Callum needed to maintain his focus, particularly given the recent surge in rogue attacks and the inevitable confrontation with my mother upon realizing that I wasn't returning to Caia.

Acceptance from her was unlikely, and I knew she was already plotting ways to get me back under her wing.

Pulling back to study me, Callum said, "I underestimated you, Natalia. You make a good Luna."

His praise brought a blush to my cheeks, and I nuzzled into his neck, finding solace in his words and embrace.

Growing up, compliments were few and far between for me.

"Things are going to get really tough, you realize that?" I whispered against his skin, knowing he could hear me.

At my words, Callum's embrace tightened. "I won't let anyone hurt you."

"That I know," I assured him before planting a gentle kiss on his neck. Drawing back, I added, "I won't let anyone hurt you either."

Callum chuckled at my words, seemingly amused by the notion that he was the only one with strength.

Instead of taking offense, I grinned back, knowing he'd be pleasantly surprised when he witnessed my true capabilities.

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