Chapter: 34

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Minutes stretched into hours, hours melted into days, and before I knew it, a week had already passed in a blur.

I remained largely silent, unable to find the words to address everything that had transpired.

Callum noticed the distance between us, and my wolf mirrored his dissatisfaction, but I couldn't bring myself to feign normalcy.

The fact remained— he had ended my mother's life.

It felt surreal, as if it were a twisted joke. I half expected Glenda to reappear and disrupt everything again, to try and force me away from Callum, but the past week had been eerily quiet.

I hadn't dared to visit Caia yet, feeling too apprehensive. I didn't know how to confront Rhea, especially knowing that my mate had taken our mother from her.

There was no doubt she was holding me responsible entirely.

Callum had been occupied with the pack for most of the week. He hardly slept, and although I should have been concerned about him, I couldn't find the words to express what I wanted.

I was hurting.

I kept my gaze fixed on the empty distance while Ivy and Noah engaged in a discussion about trivial matters, perhaps trying to divert my attention. However, I tuned them out.

Noah appeared adamant about staying within the pack until he was assured of my well being, but I began to suspect that he desired a permanent place within the pack. I silently wished he would choose to stay.

While Callum was occupied with pack matters, it was my friends who stood by me, offering their support, for which I was deeply thankful.

As evening descended, I was aware of Callum's return, a routine now familiar to us.

He would wake up in the morning, plant a kiss on my forehead, and depart until evening. Throughout the day, my friends would offer distraction and come to the pack house, though I remained lost in my own world.

Today, however, unfolded differently.

Callum entered, immediately dismissed my friends and approached me where I was on the sofa.

"We'll see you later," Ivy hesitantly told me, raising her hand awkwardly in the air.

I glanced at her and nodded, before my eyes briefly met with Noah's.

"If you need anything, you know where to find us," he stated.

I offered a weak smile in return as I watched the pair leave, feeling guilty for not adequately conveying my gratitude to them.

Callum's solemn demeanour caught my attention, as he kneeled before me, a soft expression on his face.

Despite his attempts to communicate during the week, I had withdrawn into silence. My wolf longed for him while I grappled with sorrow.

"I miss you," he said softly, as if being careful with his words.

Tears welled up upon seeing him and hearing those words.

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