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at 9pm

"what should I wear.." she was choosing her clothes while hanging her towel on her shoulder as she was about to take a shower.

"this looks cute" she picked a dress.

In the party at 10pm

In the party at 10pm

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Jimin's attire 

"I hope you enjoyed the dinner" jimin ended his speech after having a tiny portion of savory dishes in the party.

"thanks for the meal sir.." his partner said.

"my pleasure" jimin said and Both exchanged smiles.

While he was talking to his partners with a glass of wine in his hand, Mr. Choi approached him.

"thank you for the party my son"

"thank you for joining me tonight" jimin smiled and said.

"and thank you for staying as humble as you were before you had this throne" he said, a smile played on jimin's lips.

"ah.." he was speechless.

"thanks for saving my family that day... you risked yourself for saving them alhough you had no benefit"

"oh comeon Mr. Choi.. I had my benefit.. I saved your family's life so I got this luxurious life in return.. see such a big profit of mine" he laughed while saying and waving his hand across the room, showing how big of a profit he had.

"haha... no.. you didn't know who I was back then.. you didn't know that I would give you this lifestyle... I talked to you about giving you this way of being after you saved them"

Both giggled.

"honestly , when you saved my family although your life was in danger.. it made me realize that its heartwarming to know that there are still good people left in the world, always ready to lend a helping hand.. whereas in the mafia world.. no one helps anyone until an unless they have an advantage.. when the thought of making you the mafia leader came to me.. it was like a spark.. because we would get a humble and down to earth leader, as well as a furious and handsome mafia every girl dreams of" he laughed at the last sentence, on the other hand, jimin's cheeks displayed a slight blush.

"after Mr. Chongsan, the powerful mafia leader before you, died, the mafia world was nothing but a chaos... everyone wanted to become the leader... everyone was doing what they wanted to.. no one was there to stop them.. when I saw you I immediately had a thought that we should have this type of chief.. who keeps everyone first and is selfless.. but should have attitude and power.. genuinely speaking.. when I offered you this life.. I had a thought.. what if you turn to be arrogant like the past cruel leaders.. what if you just focus on yourself like the past cruel chiefs.. what if you turn into one of them?.. but realizing what you did for my family.. was enough to give you a chance to prove yourself."

Both smiled at each other.

"you are not as malevolent as you appear to be" he said and both laughed while sipping the wine.

At 10:00pm

She was wearing her sandals as she heard her phone buzzing, she received the call.


"hey.. come visit me .. now" the person on the other side said.

"no I can't I have to go"

"yeah.. I know I know.. you're off to the party.. you told me already"

"what do you want" she asked irritated.

"I need you to kill him.. today" 

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