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Momo runs up to you, giving you a big hug once she sees you in the morning just before practice. "Y/n-chi!"

Rei nods, watching as you approach with the two boys. "Sup. Why do you have Oikawa and Iwaizumi with you today?"

You keep a straight face. "They showed up at my house this morning. Oikawa made me eat breakfast."

Yuki looks at you with wide eyes. "Wow, that's a first. Oh, hi, Iwaizumi."

Iwaizumi waves at your ace. "Hey, Fuyumi."

Oikawa moves in front of you. "This was fun, Y/n-chan. We should do this every day."

"Nah. How about you let me live my life the way I want to? See ya, Iwaizumi, Oikawa. We've got a practice to start this morning. Maybe we can talk during lunch for a bit." You start walking away, heading off to the girls' volleyball club's changing room.

Oikawa tries walking with you, since the boys' changing room was right next door. "Really? We can have lunch together? You promise? I'll come find you the moment the bell goes off. What class are you in? Make it a little bit easier on me, Y/n-chan."

Iwaizumi watches this unfold, beyond annoyed with Oikawa. Your three teammates stared in disbelief. They never would've imagined Oikawa Toru would be bothering you. They were sure you weren't on his radar, but here he was, begging to spend time with you.

You sigh, hand on the door handle to your club room. "Class 6. Now, go to your own club room."

Oikawa's eyes went wide. "Wait. That's my class."

You freeze, slowly turning to face him. "You're in my class, too?"

"You're only now realizing you two are in the same class?!" Your three teammates yell in unison.

Iwaizumi chuckles, heading to the boys' club room. "Even I knew you two shared a class. Everyone talks about how the most desired guy and most attractive girl are in the same class. Surprised neither of you figured it out before."

Oikawa's shock turned into excitement. "Awesome! Now we can walk to class together after morning practice. Ooo! And we can walk together to afternoon practice. This is going to be so fun! The boys' and girls' volleyball teams are going to have lunch together today!"

You sigh, opening the door to your club room. "Right. See you after practice, then. We need to get changed and start our practice."

Oikawa nods, beginning to walk away. "Ok! See you later, Y/n-chan."

You feel relieved once you're in the club room with your three teammates. "That was something."

Rei snorts. "I'll say."

Momo bounces, excitement on her face. "Oikawa was totally hitting on you, Y/n-chi!"

You shake your head. "Oikawa wouldn't flirt with me. I'm not the kind of girl to be on his radar."

Yuki huffed, taking her shirt off. "And yet, here we are, with Oikawa wanting all of your attention. He's definitely got the hots for you, Y/n. There's no other logical explanation for his behavior."

You scoff. "Yeah, right. If Oikawa Toru likes me, then pigs must be flying. Guys, that's the school's hottest guy, the guy that almost every girl wants. I'm just the setter of the girls' team. There's nothing about me that should gain Oikawa's attention."

Momo frowns, pulling her practice shirt on. "Don't tell me you can't see it, Y/n-chi. Oikawa was totally looking at you with that look?"

You blink a few times, trying to process what she just said. "What?"

Rei throws her skirt on the ground, pulling up her shorts. "The look that says he's clearly gained feelings for you, despite having just met you last night."

You look at the ground, having neatly folded your clothes, already dressed in your practice outfit. "I just can't believe that."

Yuki sighed. "It's true, you know. Oikawa definitely has some feelings building for you."

Rei and Momo nod their heads, clearly in agreement with the ace of the girls' volleyball club.

You open the door to the club room as the first and second years arrive, stepping out of the room. "Oikawa does not like me! We just met, there's no way!" You turn your head and see Oikawa.

The brunette setter's face was pink. "Oh... hey, Y/n-chan."

You feel your own face heat up, bowing a perfect 90 degrees. "I'm so sorry, Oikawa. The girls were just saying things about you that I couldn't believe would ever be true."

He shakes his head, struggling to breathe. "You're fine. I mean - better than fine! I mean! It's no problem! Don't worry about it. I'll forget whatever it was that I just heard."

You look up, shifting your attention away from the boy. You look into your club room. "Everyone, hurry and get dressed. We need to start practice soon."

They all murmur in response. The three other third years held smirks on their faces. The first and second years just held confusion on their faces, they didn't understand what just happened. And, maybe, that was for the better.

You walk to the gym, immediately grabbing a volleyball and spiking it to the wall. You let out a shout, embarrassed by the interaction between you and Oikawa.

You grab the ball, holding it to your forehead. "He's just another setter, another captain. There's no way feelings can already be sprouting between us right after we met each other. There's no way. Not a chance."

Yuki walked in, overhearing you. "Not a chance of what?"

You blush into a shade of red. "I don't like Oikawa!" You blurt out.

Momo walked in right as you said that, the third year middle blocker right behind her. "Oh? What's this?"

Rei smirked. "Romance is already blossoming for the two setter captains?"

You shake your head in a panic. "I said I don't like him!"

The three shake their heads. "Liar."


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