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Iwaizumi raised a brow at you. "Why'd you pull me away from the others? This would've been a perfect chance to try to get Oikawa to fall for you."

You grin at him. "I wanted to talk to you about a few things. Like, you probably know I already gave Toru a little nudge after morning practice."

"I do, and I think that was a good idea. He was bragging about it to the rest of the team after it happened. He seemed so excited to have you say that he's your favorite person in the whole world. You should've seen the look on his face. I think he might've been thinking about confessing to you. But, his pride is gonna get in the way and he probably won't be doing that any time soon."

You let out a sigh. "I kinda figured. But, hey, you know you're such a good friend. Even if he can be a piece of shit, you wanna help make Oikawa happy. You know, that's a lot like my friend Yuki. She can be a bit like you at times, just not as violent. But, she's the best ace I could've asked for, like how you're a great ace and Oikawa wouldn't replace you with anyone else. I think you and Yuki have a bit in common. Have you two talked much? I think you two should talk a bit more. Maybe you two could get pretty close."

Iwaizumi looked you up and down. "Y/n. You're doing something. Are you trying to set me up with your friend? There's no way you'd just bring her up without some sort of reason. I thought we were focusing on getting Oikawa to confess to you. What's going on?"

You sigh, knowing you've been caught. "You got me. I just thought you and Yuki would make a good couple, so I'm playing matchmaker. I even got Oikawa to help me out with Yuki, since he knows a lot about you. Are you against that?"

The ace sighed, shaking his head. "No, but I am surprised. I didn't think you'd go behind my back to work with Oikawa and set me up with your friend."

"Maybe I was thinking about going on double dates with you two, once Toru and I get together."

Iwaizumi raised a brow. "In order for any of that to happen, we need Oikawa to confess to you. That's the whole point of you and I working together."

You sigh, looking at the ground. "So you're not gonna go out with Yuki?"

"That wouldn't be my first priority since we made this agreement to get Oikawa to get with you before you came up with this idea. What even started making you think of setting me up with Yuki, anyways?"

You flinch, not being prepared for that question. "Well, maybe, I just thought you two would look good together. You share some traits, and I think you two would get along well."

Iwaizumi narrowed his eyes. "She likes me, doesn't she?"

"Was she that obvious?" You had spoken without thinking. You quickly cover your mouth with both of your hands.

Iwaizumi smirked. "I knew it. You're doing this so that your friend can be happy while you work on hooking up with my best friend."

"Shit. I wasn't supposed to tell you that." You frown, disappointed in yourself for spilling your friend's secret.

The ace shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I'll ask her out later to deal with this little problem, but that means she's gonna start helping us with our plan to get Oikawa to confess to you."

You brighten up a little. "Really? That's great! Thank you so much, Iwa!" You hug the boy, excited that things were actually working out.

He chuckles. "Yeah, yeah. Let's get going before Oikawa gets the wrong idea." He pushes you off of him and starts walking towards the others.

You follow with a bright smile on your face. "Ok. Wait - does this mean you like Yuki as well?"

Iwaizumi nods, grinning at you. "I wasn't gonna let anyone know until after I help you and Oikawa get together. But, I guess things are working out differently."

You nod. "Maybe that's a good thing." You smile at the others as you and Iwaizumi approach the group eating their lunches.

Oikawa looks up, smiling at you. "Hey, Y/n-chan! Come sit next to me."

You take a seat beside the setter. "Hey, Toru. What's going on?"

He frowns slightly. "Why did you and Iwa-chan come late?"

You look away from him, opening up your bento. "Oh, well, we were talking about somethings. You know, you and I agreed on something earlier and I was talking to him in regards to that."

The dots connected in Oikawa's mind. "Oh, right! Good job, Y/n-chan!"

The others look at you two, confused. Rei raised her brow. "What's going on?"

Iwaizumi answered for you two. "Y/n made a deal with the devil, it would seem."

The boys' team started laughing, all of them not only used to Iwaizumi making fun of Oikawa, but they also found it funny.

You look at Oikawa, a thought popping in your head. You smirk. "Well, Oikawa is quite the devil."

Oikawa looked at you, shocked. "Not you too, Y/n-chan!"

This only made the guys laugh harder. The girls, however, knew better. They knew what you meant by that.

Momo gasped. "I can't believe you said that in front of them, Y/n-chi!"

Rei nodded along with Momo. "You're getting bolder lately, captain. What's up with that?"

You shrug innocently, starting to eat your lunch. "Who knows. Maybe something has changed lately."

Yuki raised a brow at you. "This isn't my setter. I don't know who you are, I don't know what you did to Y/n, but please give her back. We have games coming up next month and I'd like to have my normal setter for it."

Iwaizumi chuckled. "Don't worry about her. I've just corrupted her a bit, since we've been spending so much time together lately."

Matsukawa smirked. "Wow, a setter and an ace from opposite teams. Who would've thought that Iwaizumi would grow to like L/n?"

Iwaizumi shook his head. "I prefer Yuki. Speaking of which, Yuki, would you like to go out some time?"

Your jaw dropped. "You're really doing that here and now?"

Yuki turned bright red. "I - uh, um, well - Y/n, what's going on?"

You shrug. "No clue anymore. I'm just enjoying the show. Now, accept this date so I can have Iwaizumi's help for my own problems."

Yuki looks at the male ace. "Um, yeah, sure. I'd love to go out with you some time."

You cheered, seeing the two aces beginning their own relationship. "Great! Now that you two will be dating from here on out, can we go back to a normal lunch please?"

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