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You sigh as you stand up once class is over. You look over to the brunette beside you. "Ready to go to practice, Toru?"

Oikawa smiles at you. "Yes." He frowns. "Wait, I have to talk to the girl that gave me the love letter. I promised I'd go find her by the end of the day."

You frown, turning your back to him. "I see. Have fun with that. I'm going to practice."

He quickly stands up, grabbing your wrist before you could walk away. "Wait! Come with me!"

You turn to him, a brow raised. "Why should I? This is your love life, I'm not getting involved. I don't want any of your fan girls getting the wrong idea and coming after me because they think I'm trying to get with you. I don't need that in my life. Deal with that girl on your own."

Oikawa frowns, tightening his grip on your wrist. "No. Wait for me. I want to walk with you to the club rooms. Please, Y/n-chan. Just come with me and wait around a corner."

"I'm not waiting around a corner. If someone sees me, they might think I'm stalking you or something."

Oikawa pulls you closer to you, looking into your eyes. "Then stay by my side while I reject her. I don't want you to leave me behind because someone else wanted my attention. Please, come with me so we can walk together."

You sigh, looking away from him. "Fine. Let's go. Just, don't take too long."

He smiles, keeping a firm grip on your wrist as he begins walking away. "Alright, she said she was a second year, so let's go to the second years' floor. Her name is Mikata Kana."

You hum, looking at the ground. "Ok. Am I taller than her?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Just asking. You never gave a description of what she looks like. I have no clue who we're looking for."

Oikawa frowns. "Her looks don't matter. You're prettier than her anyways. Now, focus, we need to look for her so I can reject her."

Kana walks out of her classroom and spots Oikawa looking around... with you beside him. She frowns, then puts a smile on her face as she walks over to the tall boy. "Oikawa-san!"

Oikawa looks at her, putting on a fake smile. "Hey there, Kana-chan. I read your note."

The short girl blushes. "Oh? W-what did you think?"

"It was well written. But, I'm sorry to say, I don't think I'll be going on a date with you. You see, there's someone else that has caught my eye and I'm not looking for a relationship with anyone else."

Kana frowned, thinking that you were the girl he was talking about. "I see. Ok. Bye, Oikawa-san." She turns and walks away.

You pull the arm Oikawa was holding onto. "Come on, Toru. I want to get to practice now."

"Ok, ok, Y/n-chan. Let's go." He adjusts his grip to hold your hand. He starts walking with you to the club rooms.

People look as you two walk in the halls. They all noticed how you two were holding hands. Mouths dropped open, rumors starting to be whispered among the other students.

"Oh my god."

"They must be dating."

"Do you see that?! They're totally holding hands!"

"Oikawa and L/n really are a couple and the volleyball teams have been covering it up!"

"The volleyball teams lied about their relationship!"

"No! Oikawa can't be dating someone!"

Another girl whined. "I wanted to date Oikawa-san!"

You and Oikawa didn't hear the comments, just continued walking to the club rooms.

You look over at the boy that was holding your hand. "Toru, how does your ankle feel? Does it still hurt? Should we slow our pace a little. We won't be late if we slow down just a little."

Oikawa chuckled, looking over at you. "Y/n-chan. There's no need to worry about me. I've been taking good care of my ankle. And, I've had you helping the whole time. I'm fine. I may still be healing, but I'm well enough to walk at a somewhat fast pace."

You sigh, smiling slightly. "Ok. I just want to make sure. I want you healing properly, so you can go back to playing volleyball at practices. You must be pretty restless to have to sit out during practice."

He shrugs. "A little, but I can deal with it since it's what's best for me."

You chuckle lightly. "Alright. As long as you're ok and recovering properly. But don't hesitate to ask me for help if something's wrong, or you can't do things on your own."

"I will, Y/n-chan." He nuzzled against your face, acting like an overly affectionate cat. "What would I do without you."

You start laughing. "Oh my god, Toru! Stop that! You're so weird."

The two club room doors open, members from both volleyball teams peering out to look at you two. "Hurry up, lovebirds! Practice won't wait on you!" Some of the members called out to you two.

You both blush, looking away from each other while your hands were still entwined. "We are not dating! Don't call us lovebirds!"

Momo grinned, seeing your joined hands. "But you're holding hands?"

You two look down at your hands, breaking away from the other. "Are not."

You walk into your respective club rooms, being teased by the members of the volleyball teams.

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