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You freeze, dropping the ball in your hands. It bounces on the floor, then stopping and rolling around your feet. "What did you just say?" You look into those chocolatey brown eyes.

Oikawa smiled sweetly at you, a blush on his face. "I love you, Y/n-chan."

"No." You breathed out. "You can't just say that. Not so casually when we're practicing together."

Oikawa walked over to you, picking up the ball and putting it back into the ball cart. He leans over, grabbing your hands in his. "I mean it, Y/n-chan. I really love you." He looks into your eyes, a genuine smile still on his face. "I loved you since the day I first laid my eyes on you, on that very first day of school in the beginning of April. You looked beautiful, and something about you called to me. I love watching you play volleyball, the way you practice so seriously with so much passion. All the time I've spent with you, it made me realize that nothing can make me ever stop loving you. The more I got to know you, the more I wanted to make you mine. But I was scared. I didn't want to drive you away from me. I couldn't just confess, not without believing there could really be something between us."

"Toru, why are you saying all of this so suddenly?" You never would've imagined that he'd start confessing like this.

He let out a breathy chuckle. "I'm tired of hiding it, Y/n-chan. I love you, and I want the whole world to know. I want to make you mine. I want to be able to love you for the rest of our lives. I want to live together, see you every moment of the day. I wanna be by your side as you become the best setter in the entire women's division. I want to watch as you become a professional volleyball player, become known around the whole world. But I also want everyone in the world to know that I love you, and that you're mine. Will - will you be my girlfriend?"

You feel tears in your eyes. You move your hands out of his grasp, causing him to frown. He worried this meant you really didn't like him this way, even though he was told you liked him back last night. Slowly, you walk closer to him, not making eye contact.

You happily wrapped your arms around him. "Yes, Toru. Of course I'll be your girlfriend. I love you too."

Oikawa beamed, internally cheering. He wraps his arms around you, giving a slight squeeze. "That's perfect!"

The gym doors open, revealing the third years from both the boys' and girls' team. They looked at you two, just standing and hugging each other. The six at the door fully walk into the gym.

Momo squeals, fan girling that her ship has sailed. She kept repeating "oh my god", unable to say anything else. Rei was speechless, not thinking you and Oikawa would actually get together, especially not in the boys' gym. Matsukawa and Hanamaki just looked on his disbelief.

Yuki and Iwaizumi walk up to you two. "Well?"

Oikawa proudly smiled at them. "Y/n-chan's my girlfriend!"

Yuki jumped up, then hugged her boyfriend. "This is the best thing to ever happen."

Iwaizumi decided to ignore that comment, since he thought it was pretty great that he started dating Yuki. "That's great, but practices are about to start. Y/n needs to head to the girls' gym now."

Oikawa frowned. "Not yet! We just got together! I need to hug her for a little longer."

Iwaizumi sighed. "You can walk her to her gym."

Oikawa looked at you, a smile back on his face. "Come on, Y/n-chan. We have practices to start. But no need to worry, I'll be back to pick you up after practice. I'll be gracing you with my presence much more from here on out." The others groaned at his words.

You looked into his eyes. "I look forward to it, Toru. I'll see you after practice as well."

Oikawa bent down, placing a kiss to your lips. "Come on, Y/n-chan!" He grabbed your hand and started walking with you out of the gym.

Rei just stared blankly. "She must really like him if she can put up with how annoying he can be."

Matsukawa and Hanamaki nod. "For real."

Momo smacked their arms. "Shut it! The ship has finally sailed! This is the time to be happy!"

Yuki smiled, looking at the others. "Let them have this. Iwa and I gave Oikawa advice on how to confess and ask Y/n out last night."

Iwaizumi nodded. "I just didn't think they'd be in the gym when he confesses. But to each their own."

Oikawa stopped at the door to your gym. "I really wanna stay with you longer. I'm gonna miss not being able to have you in my arms."

"Toru, it's just for practice. And don't try to be all over me all the time. Just... be casual about our relationship."

He pouts fine. "But I'll be letting everyone know just how much I love you."

You giggle. "I love you too, Toru."

He leans in to kiss you, keeping his lips on you for a bit longer."

Rei walks up with Yuki and Momo. She grins. "Ok, lovebirds, time to break it up. You can make out after practice."

You move away from Oikawa, a deep blush on your face. "Shut it."

Oikawa smiled, a blush on his face. "Alright, I'll be waiting for after practice. See you later, Y/n-chan!" He walks away.

Your friends walk up to you. You glare at them. "Not a word."

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