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Momo groaned, stretching out on the ground. "Fuck, I wish we had another opportunity to leave practice early!"

Rei nods. "Yeah, one of our other sports clubs should have a practice match soon. I want to watch other people run around, instead of doing it myself."

Yuki shook her head. "Come on, we have practice for a reason. If we really wanna beat all the teams in the prefecture and go to the inter high, we need to work really hard. If it weren't for us being invited to watch the boys' volleyball club's match yesterday, we would've just practiced like normal. We need to get into our rhythm, so we can beat all other teams and become the best in the nation!"

Momo let out another groan, laying on the ground. "But that's what we've been doing for the past two years. We were the top team our whole high school career. Y/n-chi! Give your input!"

You look over at them, snapping out of your trance. You had been thinking about Oikawa, knowing that Iwaizumi was going to give the setter a push to confess to you. But you had kept this a secret from everyone else. You blink, trying to remember what your teammates were talking about. "Well, Niiyama girls is getting stronger by the day. We need to work extra hard if we want to win. Their current lineup is stronger than they had been before. Practice is everything right now, give it everything you've got!"

Yuki smiled at you. "Thank you, captain! See, even Y/n says we need to give it our all at practice!"

Rei groans. "But Y/n is the worst example. She's been spacing out lately and texting whenever we're not doing anything!"

Momo agrees. "She's too busy with her new boyfriend, Oikawa!"

You glare at them. "I'm not dating Toru! I'm talking to Iwaizumi, if you really wanna know who I've been texting lately. He and I have been talking about some things."

Yuki's jaw dropped, surprise contorting her facial features. "Iwaizumi?! You've been talking with Oikawa's best friend?! Is something going on between you two?!" Jealousy flashed in her eyes for a split second.

You shrugged, not giving anything away. "We just have some things we need to do together. We have big plans coming up."

Yuki couldn't believe her ears. "Then practice your sets with Rei tonight instead! I'm going home!" She stomped out of the gym, leaving you, Momo, and Rei in shock on the floor of the gym.

Momo sighed, standing up. "Come on, you two. Let's wrap up."

You stood up. "You two go ahead. I'm gonna stay back to practice a little more."

Rei looked at you, a brow raised. "But you look like you're about to leave this gym."

You nod. "I was gonna practice with the guys' team for a while. I wanted to practice my receives against them for a bit. You two can go home, if you want."

Rei nodded, walking to the door to your gym. "I'm gonna see if I can talk to Yuki for a bit." She left, walking to the club room.

You walk over to Momo. "Wanna come with me?"

She smiles, walking out of the gym with you. "Of course! Stronger opponents are more fun to play against! By the way, what's going on with you and Iwaizumi? Are you dating him instead of Oikawa?"

You shake your head. "I didn't wanna say anything, but I'll tell you if you can keep a secret."

Momo gasped, her smile stretching wider. "Of course! I've always wanted to have secret between just the two of us."

You grin. "Iwaizumi is helping me get Oikawa to confess to me. I refused to confess, and Iwaizumi wants to see Oikawa finally break to the point where he's becoming desperate over a girl. He thought it would be funny, so he went along with my idea."

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