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You slowly open the door, peeking your head in before opening the door all the way. Oikawa just silently watched as you hesitantly walked into the house, motioning for him to follow you. You two walk into the house, and you sneak him up to your room. You set down your bags, letting him know he could do the same.

After setting down the bags, Oikawa looked around your room. "Wow, Y/n-chan. This is prettier than I would've imagined. You must be really good at taking care of your stuff."

You shrug. "I tend to lose things somewhat often. But I try my best to keep everything where I'll eventually be able to find it. I try to keep my room neat, but it does get messy quite a bit. I just cleaned it up yesterday, so it should be fine for now."

Oikawa nods, taking a seat on your bed. "So you're not perfect. Got it. When can I meet your uncle? Is he home right now, or will I have to wait before introducing myself to him?"

You sigh, sitting beside him on the bed. "He's still at a meeting right now. He should be back soon, though. You really don't have to meet him, you know. Honestly, I think it might be better if you leave before he returns. I don't think you'll want to be around him after you meet him. Hell, you might stay away from me once you meet my uncle."

Oikawa shakes his head. "Nothing will make me stay away from you, Y/n-chan. I suggested we spend today together because I really like spending time with you. I wanted the chance to get to see you by yourself, outside of a school setting. This is who you are, and I want to get to know you and your life better. Please let me do this, let me into your personal life. Don't keep me as just a school friend."

Your eyes widened, tears building in them. "Toru, you're going to make me cry."

He lets out a light chuckle, wrapping his arms around you. "Then cry on me, Y/n-chan. I'm here for you, and I never intend on leaving you. I'll be yours for all of eternity."

The door to your room harshly opened, your uncle standing in the doorway. His eyes landed on Oikawa and a frown formed on his face. "Y/n, who is this?"

You flinch, moving away from the boy on your bed. "This is Oikawa Toru, the boy I told you I'd be with today."

"I see."

Oikawa stands up, smiling at your uncle. "Hello, sir. I'm Oikawa Toru. It's nice to meet you. I told Y/n-chan that I wanted to meet you, so I walked her home and waited here for you." He holds out his hand towards the older man.

Your uncle takes it, shaking briefly before letting go. "I see. Well, I'm L/n U/n. I don't know how to feel about seeing you with your arms wrapped around my niece. Come with me. I need to talk to you privately."

The two walk out of your room, leaving you there alone. A bad feeling builds in you, making you regret spending the day with Oikawa.

Your uncle takes a seat on one of the couches in the living room, motioning for Oikawa to also take a seat. "How long have you known my niece?"

Oikawa thought about it, realizing he hasn't been keeping track of time. "About a month or two now, sir."

Your uncle hums. "And you think it's acceptable to just touch her whenever? Do you see no problems with wrapping your arms around a girl like her?"

Oikawa tensed, not liking this situation. He understands what you were trying to say earlier. "Well, we're friends. I thought it was ok, especially since I was comforting her. She seemed a little upset about me meeting you, and I was trying to make sure she's ok. I get how you could be worried about a boy you don't know hugging your niece, but I assure you that I have no bad intentions with her."

"Then what are your intentions with my niece? How do you feel about her?"

Oikawa takes a deep breath. "She's perfect. I'm in love with her. I intend to be her boyfriend one day, to take care of her and love her until the day we die."

"I see. Too bad that will never happen. You need to stay away from my niece. If you touch her again, or try making her your girlfriend, I will move her away from you and take her out of volleyball."

The brunette's eyes widened. "What? Sir, Y/n-chan loves volleyball. You can't take that away."

"Then I can give her a choice. She can choose whether she wants to play volleyball, or be in a relationship with you. She can have one, but not the other. If you understand, then you would stop trying to be around my niece with romantic interests."

Oikawa looks down, his hands clenching into fists. "You won't even let your niece make her own choices when it comes to her love life? Don't you want to see her happy?"

"She'll be happy as long as she listens to me. The moment she disobeys me, she'll have everything that makes her happy taken away. She knows this well. We've had an agreement that she's been sticking with. I don't need her getting distracted by love when she needs to focus on studying. She's lucky I haven't taken volleyball away from her. Since she gets good grades, I let it slide. I won't tolerate her getting into with some boy that focuses on volleyball and claims to love her."

Oikawa felt tears building in his eyes. "How would you know what I focus on? The moment I met your niece, I knew that I'd want her to always be a part of my life. You can't just tell her what she can and can't do for the rest of her life. She needs to be able to choose."

Your uncle let out a breath. "Fine. I'll give you a chance. If she loves you, then you must confess to her and make her your girlfriend. But, if there are any issues with how she handles her schoolwork while dating you, I want her to have nothing to do with you. Do you understand?"

The setter nods. "I get it. I'll make her mine." He looks up to meet your uncle's eyes. "And I'll show you what she needs in her life. You will give her full freedom for the rest of her life. If she's happy and able to handle a relationship with me while getting good grades and playing volleyball, then I want you to stop controlling her life."

The older man stands up. "Fine then. Now, get out of my house. I don't want to see you for the rest of the night." He turns his head, calling for you. "Y/n! Get down here and show your guest out!"

You walk out of your room, walking to the front door where Oikawa was standing. "Hey, Toru. You leaving now?"

Oikawa nods, looking into your eyes. "Yeah. Listen, meet me outside the club rooms an hour before practice tomorrow morning. I have something important I need to tell you."

You raise a brow. "Why can't you tell me now?"

He looks over your shoulder, noticing your uncle watching the two of you. "I really don't have the time right now. Just meet me early tomorrow morning."

"Ok. Goodnight, then. Get home safely, Toru."

He smiles, opening up your front door. "Goodnight, Y/n-chan. I'll see you tomorrow." And he left, closing the door behind him. He frowns while walking home, thinking of how he was going to confess to you tomorrow and ask you to be his girlfriend.

You turn to face your uncle. "I guess I should be getting to bed now, since I have school and morning practice tomorrow." You start walking passed your father.

He speaks up as you walk passed him. "How do you feel about that Oikawa boy?"

You freeze, not looking at anything other than the ground. "I love Toru. I'd be happy to be in a relationship with him till the day I die." You walk off to your room, leaving your uncle alone in the living room.

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