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"hot wheels"

Jungkook sat in his car, as Y/n sat in the car beside him. They both looked at their rivals. A girl with black hair, as tattoos on her face. And a guy who was bulky, but ofcourse not more than jungkook.

He had piercings in weird areas on his face and both were just simply unsettling.

Y/n looked at Jungkook, who nodded his head, giving reassurance, Y/n gripped on the steering wheel, setting her eyes on the road.

A girl in a short skirt stood in between their cars infront of them. Aiming a small gun to the sky. On th count of three. She fired it.

As their cars went zooming. To win, atleast one car of the team must reach the end and come back. 

Y/ns car went zooming infront, as Jungkook covered her from the back, suddenly another car grazed Jungkook making him groan as he looked beside him to the guy. The guy chuckled before saying. "When you lose remember. I, Jack. Was who you lost to." He said.

Jungkook groaned, pushing his car to the side. Side tracking Jack for a while as he caught up to y/ns car, Y/n was right behind the other girls car who could see her from the rear view mirror.

Y/n bumped that girls car so hard, it sent her car spiraling of the track. Y/n zoomed infront as she saw the bridge at the end of it. The finish line. She smiled. But suddenly the bridge started to lift back up.

Jungkook noticed it too, he gasped when he saw y/n turn her blaster on. He groaned. "She's gonna get us killed" he turned his blaster on, putting his head out of the car, she wasn't that far so she could hear him.

"Y/N STOP! WE WONT MAKE IT!" he yelled.
"YES WE WILL!" she said. Making him groan and turn his blaster on to match her place and in no time. The were off the bridge falling right onto the rest of the other side of the road.

Making Jungkook chuckle as they crossed the finish line. The cars stopped as everyone cheered. Y/n and Jungkook both got out of the car. As Jungkook pulled y/n towards him. "You almost killed us you know that?" He asked. As she shrugged.

"YESSNSNSNDJD AFTER PARTTYYY" Jennie yelled! Rushing to the venue which wasn't that far.
Jungkook and y/n were given a lumpsum of money. Around $4 million dollars. Which they split amongst everyone.

Chugging the beer, Jimin laughed. "Money money money~ must be funny" he started singing, Jennie joined him. "Must be funny~"

"IN A RICH MANS WORLDDDD" Soyeon yelled, making all of them laugh.

Suddenly someone shook Jimin up in order to scare him, everyone yelled as they turned around to see Taehyung.

Taehyung was one of the fastest racers in Korea as well. Until he wanted to try a new region. Everyone laughed. Finally seeing him after so long. They all hugged and patted his back as he sat with them.

"Guess what! I'm moving back to Korea" he said making Jungkook pat his back, "finally!' Jimin said.

Y/n smiled at everyone interacting and then her eyes met with Jungkook. Who raised his eyebrows as she smiled and looked away.
🍙: short filler chapter as always ~ it gets intense from here now hahahhaha sbnsnsjs

Until next time~
-Ava <3

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