chapter 3 - dinner

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today was the day me, Tara, Jake and Johnnie are going out, I still down really know what restaurant but im not really picky so I'll bet it will be good. I decided to message Tara to see what time we were going there ect.

(T=tara, Y/n= you obv)
Y/n: hey girlyyyy, what time should I be ready for dinner tn?
I wrote and waited for a response.
A few minutes passed and I opened her message.
T: I'll come over to yours an hour before and we'll get ready together, I'll come by 5 is that alr?
Y/n: yes that would be great!
Tara read my message and hearted it.
It was only 4.28 so I had a half hour to just chill at home before Tara was supposed to be there, I thought about might telling her I find Johnnie kinda cute so maybe maybe maybe she could help me get closer to him, but I'm definitely not sure if I dare to tell her more.

————————time skip——————————
(Sorry I'm just lazy😭)

It was 5.03 and by doorbell rang, I opened the door and greeted Tara with a hug and welcomed her into my apartment.

"omg hiiiii I'm so excited for tonight" Tara said while taking her jacket off, she was literally so pretty even with her hair tied and sweatpants!
"yeahhhh me too!!!!!" I giggled back.
Me and Tara go into my bedroom and I get another chair from the kitchen to place by the vanity so we could do our makeup together.

"Omfg y/n I need to do your makeup!!" Tara said looking hopeful.
"Omg yes that'll be so fun!" I said back and we sat down at the chairs by my makeup table and she first did my makeup and then her own. I checked the clock, 5.38. We only had twenty minutes to pick out outfits and Tara had to do her hair!!
"what outfit is cuter?" I asked Tara while showing her my two choices, the first one is a cute tight black short dress with boots and the second option is a jeans miniskirt with a pink rhinestone top.
"the dress is so pretty, especially with some cute silver jewellery" Tara said looking at me smiling as she did her hair.
I got dressed into the black dress and put on some nice jewellery and Tara looked for something in my closet to wear and eventually found another blue dress she wore.

———————another time skip, sorry —————
*outside the restaurant*
Me and Tara waited for Jake and Johnnie since they were a little late but when they finally showed up and got out of the car me and Tara hugged them both, me and Johnnie actually hugged a liiiittle longer then a normal hug which literally gave me butterflies..
We walked into the restaurant and got seated by a table in a corner, me and Tara next to each other and in front of me Johnnie sat and obviously Jake next to Johnnie.
Johnnie is wearing a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a The Cure band tee and Jake wore blue flared jeans with a white croptop.

We chatted for a few minutes all four and eventually got our menus.
We all sat quiet reading through the menu.
"What are yall getting?" Jake asked looking at us.
"I think I'm getting the chicken wrap" I say still reading through the menu.
"Yeah me too" Johnnie said and looked at me and we met eyes for a split second.
"Well I'm getting the burger!! Wbu Jake?" Tara said happily.
"Oh I haven't really decided but I'm thinking the chicken wrap too" Jake smiled.
A waiter walked up to us and we all ordered our drinks and food.
The waiter was really nice and said the food would be out in just a minute!
We chatted a little about everything and nothing and I decided to ask Johnnie about his music since he didn't really tell that he did music.
"Sooo Johnnie I saw your instagram and saw you're realising a new song, I didn't know you made music" I said looking at Johnnie.
"Well someone stalking people" Jake said in his mom voice looking at us.
I laughed.
"Yeah I do actually, I really enjoy it!!" Johnnie smiled
"That's cool" I shorty respond and completely zone out dreaming away about Johnnie and his beautiful songs.
"Y/n?" Tara said waving her hand in front of my face.
"Oh yeah sorry I just zoned out im fine" I say smiling at her.
"Well the foods here" Jake said as the waiter hands out our plates.
We all start eating in silence, of course Tara breaks the silence yapping about how much she loves burgers and a bunch of other stuff. Tbh I wasn't really listening to her talk, I just kept eating and zoning out again.

We all finished eating and we decided to go over to Jake and Johnnies place to hang out there since we had such a good time, tbh I didn't even talk that much with anyone but I still had a good time.
We took Jake's car home because me and Tara rode the bus to the restaurant and we were anyway going to their place.

At Jake's and Johnnies we sat down in the couch and talked about basically our lives since we didn't really know each other that well yet.
(Im gonna do a dialog with their first letters in their names I'm lazy)

Ja: anyway, y/n where did you live before you moved here?
You: oh I actually lived close by just with my parents, I just moved out a couple weeks ago
T: we actually live so close to each other now hihihihi
You: yeaaa we do!!!
Jo: uhm guys do you wanna like watch a move or something?
Johnnie said interrupting us and we almost agreed. Tara asked Jake if we could borrow some of their clothes since we were still in our pretty dresses and they both said yes me and Tara walk upstairs so find some clothes to change into.
We both walked into johnnies room and I found a pair of black sweatpants and a band tee and Tara found some other pjs and one of Jake's hoodies.
We walked back downstairs to the couch and I sat down next to Johnnie and he actually smiled at me!!!!!!!
Tara suggested we watched a horror movie and we agreed.


Chapter threeeee!! This one is low key boring but I'm thinking it's gonna get better from now since they know each other better.

Wordcount: 1111
// author 🌸

ME AND YOU? || johnnie guilbert x female reader Where stories live. Discover now