chapther 19 - youtuber

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It's the next morning after our night out  and as you guys guessed I didn't get the job I was searching for, well I found out I didn't get it way before but because me and Johnnie broke up for like three days and I've been up to a bunch of stuff I forgot that I'm literally unemployed and broke.

"Johnnie, did I tell you I never got the job I really needed?" I groaned as I leant towards his shoulder on the couch. We were at Johnnie and Jake's house but It was only me and Johnnie there, Jake and Tara had gone to Tara's way later after we left the club.

"No you never told me that" Johnnie says, looking surprised.
"Well I didn't and now I'm unemployed and broke as fuck I don't know what to do" I complain, burying my face into Johnnie's chest.
"I got an idea" he says and I sit up again. "You could start doing social media? I mean you have quite a lot of followers on instagram already. If you start being more active and maybe start doing some youtube videos with me on your own channel you could have some kind of income?" Johnnie explains, he does have a point. I have some instagram followers because people know I'm Johnnie's girlfriend.
"Maybe. I've never worked with social media in that way but I could try" I say, looking really unsure.
"By the way, did you hear anymore from Jake and Tara?" I asked him, trying to change the subject.
"No, they texted me at 2am saying they're going home then" Johnnie shrugged.
"That's weird". It was actually weird, Tara and Jake never just disappeared and why would Tara not want to leave with me?
"I'll call her" I say and get off the couch and walk into Johnnie's bedroom for some privacy.
I opened my phone and pressed on Tara's number and let my phone ring.
Signals passed and she didn't answer so I called again.
And again
And again.
Finally on my fourth call she picked up her phone.
(Y: you, T: Tara)
Y: Hello?? Where the fuck have you been? You and Jake disappeared last night and left later?? I'm worried
T: You will not believe what happened, be at my place in an hour
Y: I will
T: Great, I got to go. Bye love you
Y: Love you too!!

Now what the fuck has Tara done? I literally can't find one thing that needed her to disappear with Jake out of nowhere.
I walk back to the couch and sit down again. I start to explain the call to johnnie and also tell him that I need to be a Tara's in an hour.

"Okay then, but maybe we could try starting a youtube channel for you tomorrow? I really think it's a good idea" Johnnie replies afterwards.
"I'll think about it, I promise" I say. "I do want to, I'm just scared I'll get a bunch of hate and stuff like that" I admit.
"I get it, but if you choose to do it I'll help you out and teach you everything plus I'll tell my followers to follow you, of course" Johnnie comforts me.

It was time for me to go to Tara's and I'm actually getting kinda nervous. I have no idea what she's going to tell me? What if she liked hooked up with Jake or something? No she would never do that, right?
Since me and Johnnie walked home from the club last night I had to walk my way to Tara's, which was quite a walk when you're hungover and anxious.

When I finally arrived at Tara's house I knocked on the door and she opened right away.
Her hair was in a messy bun and she was still wearing pajamas.
"Hey girl!" She smiled at me as she let me into her house.
"Hello" I smiled back. 
We walked into Tara's bedroom and got seated in her bed.
"Okay now tell me about last night please" I say in a serious tone.
"You will not believe this" Tara says as she sits up, throws her phone across the bed and slightly tilts her body forward.
"NOW TELL ME!" I almost screamed out.
"Okay so when you were talking to Ellie and her boyfriend and Johnnie came up to us Jake whispered to me he needed to get some space and was overwhelmed so we left to like an upstairs thing where it was really quiet and-" Tara explains and I needed to cut her off.
"I forgot about Ellie oh my god I need to text her" I say quickly.
"Yeah okay whatever, anyway while we were upstairs we just stood there until Jake leaned in and literally kissed me" She finished her sentence and I was in shock.
"HE DID NOT?! Did you like it though?" I ask.
"I didn't even finish the story oh my god. So after that we realized that you and Johnnie left and me and Jake stayed and danced and then we also got home to my place at like 2am and guess what happened when we got home?" Tara asks with a smirk on her face.
"We slept together" Tara blurts out, in both excitement and embarrassment.
"WHAT. THE. FUCK. TARA." I said, that was all my mind could say at that moment.
"Yeah he left like 30 minutes ago" Tara laughs.

Me and Tara kept talking and she also told me that she kinda liked Jake again, which is fucking insane and I told her about the entire youtube thingy. Tara thought It was a great idea to start my channel so I think I will.

It was already 6pm so I asked Tara to drive me over to Johnnie and Jake's again, I almost live there lol. I'm like actually never at home. Tara didn't have time to stay with us since she had to edit and stuff so she was at least nice enough to drop me off.

When I got into the house I saw Jake telling the same story Tara told me but out of his perspective to Johnnie and he seemed to be just as surprised as I was.
"Had fun with Tara last night?" I smirk and Jake when he stops talking.
"Oh fuck off!" Jake yells as he walks out into the kitchen.

"Hey pretty" Johnnie smiles at me.
"heyyyy!! I talked to Tara and I think I do want to start my youtube channel" I say, smiling at him.
"That's great!! we could set it up now and then you can film something tomorrow?" He asks me.
"Yeah! Will you help me?" I ask back.
"Yes,"  He said as he stood up. We walked into his room to set my account up.

We set the account up on my phone and I posted on my instagram that I've made an account and will post my first video tomorrow and also asking for video ideas.
After that, Johnnie and I decided to order some food and decided to order pizza.

As we waited for the food to arrive, youtube subscribers started dropping in. Just half an hour after posting on my instagram I had  2000 followers which was insane.

As we ate, all i could think of was Jake and Tara. It was insane that they did all that stuff in one night and now don't know what they are.

"Don't you think the stuff about Jake and Tara is insane?" I ask Johnnie with my mouth full of pizza.
"I do, I think they'll be cute together tho" Johnnie admits.
"Me too, we can all go on double dates" I giggle.
"that would actually be fun" Johnnie agrees.

first of all sorry for not posting in three days!!!! I literally had a chapter done but forgot to fucking post it 🤓☝️
Anyways this one had a twist lolz
second of all THANKS FOR 2.3 READYS HOLY SMOKES???

Wordcount: 1348 (short, I know)
// author 🌸

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